Sow the Seed of Destiny  

CategoryThe Moors of Ykesha
Related Zone:
Related Items:
Nesbit's Nuknok Leash
Min Coin: 22g, 11s, 70c
Max Coin: 25g, 12s, 77c

I must steal a Nuknok piglet from inside the Boarfiend Caverns. Once I have the piglet I have 10 minutes to return it to Nesbit.

  • Nesbit gives you Nesbit's Nuknok Leash
  • There are two Nuknok caves. The one you want is in the north, at 1348, 456, 413 . When the tunnel branches, turn right.
  • The piglets are around 1372, 455, -258 . They are watched over by Denmother Yugguh, who sees through stealth. You can only leash a piglet that is not engaged in combat, and they agro, so this is tricky. Recommend you move to the right and back behind the pillar there. There is a spot at the corner where you can get a piglet without engaging any of the surrounding mobs.
  • Leash one and you have 10 minutes to return it to Nesbit. You can use Evac to get directly to Dropship Landing Zone, then use the Gnomecannon to reach Nesbit within the time limit.

Moors of Ykesha
Quest Series
A Stinky Suit
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This page last modified 2009-01-15 23:22:53.