Scholar Errands  

This is the fourth quest in the Tradeskill Epic series. This step is for Scholars only, if you're not a Scholar you're looking at the wrong page.

Neeta Cabbageleaf wants some items to help her research her grandmother's recipes.

After speaking to Neeta, Head to The Tower of the Moon in Maj'Dul. Speak to the Steward of the Vizier. He will send you to the Library of Light. The library is located outside the Tower of the Moon down the stairs near the Maj'Dul main entrance.

The following is from EQ2 Traders Corner:

  • Just inside the entrance to this instance, there are shelves to either side. Mouse over until you find something actionable, and grab yourself "a weighty tome" ... or 30. These will be no-trade no-zone items that you can throw from inventory. (Save yourself some time and put the tome on a hotbutton for fast throwing, and get used to using "f" to gather books, instead of the more ponderous right-click actions.)
  • Throw books at the two librarians on the ground floor and zip past them both and down the stairs. Note that the de-aggro only lasts 60 seconds, so get used to moving quickly when near mobs, and finding safe spots to stop and breathe, re-throw, etc.
  • Downstairs are 8 3-shelf, 2-sided, bookcases (ignore the taller shelves against the walls). These shelves contain not only more "a weighty tome" so that you don't run out of ammo in mid-search, but also contain 4 unique "an incomplete recipe fragment". Remember that 60-second timer when you're rummaging through the shelves looking for the four fragments, and only search a shelf or two at a time, re-stun anything near you, search more shelves, throw more books, etc.
  • Once you have all 4 fragments, head back up the stairs, stun the 2 ground-floor librarians, and go up the stairs from the ground level. Here you will find 2 engraved desks. The shelf against the wall to the right of the desks will contain "The Restoration of Damaged Documents: A Primer". Grab this, scribe it, then call up the Document Restoration Instructions (level 100!) recipe on the engraved desk and carefully piece those four fragments into "a sheaf of restored recipes."

Return to Neeta.

EQ2 Traders Corner has a lovely map of The Library for this quest.

ZAM credits this article at EQ2 Traders Corner for some of the info in this article.

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This page last modified 2010-08-02 09:27:43.