Peace Through Games  

Related Zones:
Summon: Peaceful Visage
Faction Changes:

This is the third quest in the Quellious deity quest series.

Pacificator Merrek asks you to deliver a note to Ootani in The Lesser Faydark.

Ootani can be found at The Camp of the Legendary Wu, close to the Butcherblock zone.

Ootani wants to teach you a game but before you can learn it, you must find 9 stones with which to play. The stones look like black hockey pucks, and they spawn randomly in the area of the camp. They most often seem to spawn near large rocks, or on top of them. The can be difficult to see so your best bet is to search the area in first-person camera view.

Once you have the 9 stones you can play Ootani's game (listen to the rules first) and return to Merrek. The game is basically Tic-Tac-Toe with black and white stones. Once you win a game your quest will update and you can return to Merreck for your reward.

Your reward is your Peaceful Visage deity pet and then you can take the next quest in the series, The Saboteur of Peace.

Peace of Mind, Peace of Body Quellious
Quest Series
The Saboteur of Peace
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Categories: EverQuest II | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2008-08-14 12:40:57.