Commandant Vatinius of the Freeport Militia has asked for some items from the Overrealm.
Stage 1
The Freeport Militia would like to use basilisk in battles and in defense of the city. They have entrusted me to capture some from Tenebrous Tangle.
Start: | I need to render some of the gorgs on the Temple Grounds isle of Tenebrous Tangle unconscious to take back to the Militia. |
Complete: | I've obtained enough unconscious gorgs for the Freeport Militia to try to use. |
Start: | I need to render some of the twilight gorgs unconscious on the Temple Grounds isle of Tenebrous Tangle to take back to the Militia. |
Complete: | I've obtained enough unconscious gorg for the Freeport Militia to try to use. |
I've found the requested items for the Freeport Militia in the Overrealm. I have gathered the requested items for the Freeport Militia from the Overrealm.