Meaty Meals for a Growing Gryphon  

Related Zone:
Related Items:
Brontotherium Meat
Min Coin: 29g, 85s, 79c
Max Coin: 32g, 94s, 88c

Use your Gryphon Call and select "You look very hungry!" to begin this quest.

  1. Harvest five brontotherium meat in Great Divide for your young gryphon. Find it in Frosty Dens.
    • The quest auto-updates if you already have the meat on you.

The quest will auto-complete once you have all five meats.

If you have not done all the side-quests yet: in 18 hours you can pick another training lesson for your griffawn!

If this is your final side-quest: Congratulations! Hail your gryphon pet and you will receive another "Quest Complete!" box where you can pick your new gryphon mount, as well as receive some more experience and money.

Dream Weaving Destiny of Velious Tradeskill
Quest Series
Fishy Treats for Hungry Breaks
Playing Fetch
A Keener Sheen
Growing Pains
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Flying Mount
Quest Series

Categories: EverQuest II | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2011-05-17 11:16:02.