Braz asked for one last favor - he'd like me to check back with Ruzb, and make sure he's not gone back to his old gnome-eating ways. It shouldn't be too much effort, but if he's reverted, then it might be time to remove him. Those that can't learn will need to be culled.
Stage 1
Check in with Ruzb and make sure he's not gone back to eating gnomes again.
Start: | Check up on Ruzb and see if he's back to eating gnomes again. |
Complete: | Looks like Ruzb is beyond salvation. |
Looks like Ruzb just couldn't keep away from the gnomesteaks. His loss. Unfortunately, Ruzb just couldn't keep from eating the gnomes. Much to his discomfort, he had to be put out of his own misery. Or rather, Freeport can't have its citizens eating each other. It's just bad for morale.