The soul of Quartermaster Berlon, a former knight within the ruined halls, has beseeched me to cleanse the filth so that his soul may begin to rest.
Stage 1
I must cleanse the vermin that infests Stormhold.
Start: | I must destroy four of the defiled sentries. |
Complete: | I have destroyed four of the defiled sentries. |
Start: | I must destroy four of the defiled squires. |
Complete: | I have destroyed four of the defiled squires. |
Start: | I must destroy four of the defiled knights. |
Complete: | I have destroyed four of the defiled knights. |
Start: | I must destroy four of the defiled cavaliers. |
Complete: | I have destroyed four of the defiled cavaliers. |
Start: | I must destroy four of the defiled crusaders. |
Complete: | I have destroyed four of the defiled crusaders. |
Start: | I must destroy two of the defiled storm lords. |
Complete: | I have destroyed two of the defiled storm lords. |
Start: | I must destroy two of the defiled squalls. |
Complete: | I have destroyed two of the defiled squalls. |
Start: | I must destroy two of the defiled torrents. |
Complete: | I have destroyed two of the defiled torrents. |
Start: | I must destroy a defiled tempests. |
Complete: | I have destroyed a defiled tempest. |
I have cleaned out much of the vermin within these walls.Stage 2
I should bring the news of the vermin's extermination to Quartermaster Berlon here in Stormhold near the barracks.
Start: | I need to speak with Quartermaster Berlon. |
Complete: | I have spoken with Quartermaster Berlon. |
I have informed Berlon that the filth has been cleansed. Berlon has given me an item that would have been used by one of these knights had they still lived. Sadly, my work here has done nothing to put his soul at ease.