A young froglok named Freluup has expressed a kinship with the frogloks trapped in Ykesha's Stronghold, even though the frogloks there are cursed and lost to the grace of Marr. She believes that they should be set free, either to find their way back to the light of their creator, or to be mercifully destroyed by the living frogloks. I am to locate keys off the troll guards in Ykesha's Stronghold, and unlock their chains. I should be careful, as they will be cursed, and there's a chance that they will be aggressive when released.
Stage 1
I must free the enslaved frogloks from the clutches of the Ykeshan trolls.
Start: | I should search for keys on the troll guards in Ykesha's Stronghold, and use them to free the cursed frogloks I find chained within the cells. |
Complete: | I have freed enough of the froglok slaves. |
Start: | I should seek out the shackles being used to restrain the cursed frogloks within Ykesha's Stronghold. |
Complete: | I have destroyed enough of the shackles. |
I have freed the frogloks and destroyed the shackles within the cells.Stage 2
I should return to Firmroot and report my success to Freluup.
Start: | I should return and inform Freluup of my success. |
Complete: | I have freed the cursed frogloks from the grips of their Ykekshan captors. |
Freluup was pleased to hear of my success in Ykesha's Stronghold. I have freed a number of the cursed frogloks in Ykesha's Stronghold, and have destroyed several of the manacles that were used to shackle the frogloks within their confines. Now that they are free, the frogloks can deal with them in their own fashion, but my work is done.