Ravasect Isle Cloud Station  

ClassificationPoint of Interest
Last Updated2010-08-12 17:13:14

Point of Interest
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Zone The Bonemire
Expansion Kingdom of Sky
/loc 963, -108, 470
Discovery? unknown
With GU57 cloud stations connect to all other cloud stations in the same zone:
  • Shattered Weir Cloud Station at -854, -436, 352
  • Drednever Crash Site Cloud Station at 32, 40, 487
  • Cacotoxic Stain Cloud Station at 208, 184, -366
  • Carrion Briar Cloud Station at -14, -98, -586
  • Halls of Fate Cloud Station at -317, -341, -50


This page last modified 2010-08-12 17:20:19.