The City of New Halas  

Game Update #56
Halas Reborn
May 25, 2010

This faction can be raised by completing New Halas City Tasks.

Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link:
Categories: EQ2 Factions | GU56 | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2010-06-08 15:54:17.
NameLevelZoneGrants AA
Agda DonillsonFrostfang SeaNo
Aldrid ElthamTimorous DeepNo
Ambassador Brynhilde MaersdottrFrostfang SeaNo
Assistant Warden BjerneFrostfang SeaNo
Baden MoonheartFrostfang SeaNo
Berguff FullbeardFrostfang SeaNo
Berta IsholmFrostfang SeaNo
Binny ShortwandFrostfang SeaNo
Bjarg IronbeardFrostfang SeaNo
Borgard GoldenswillFrostfang SeaNo
Bork SpelltwiddleFrostfang SeaNo
Borya StonehideFrostfang SeaNo
Britta BrightskyFrostfang SeaNo
Bronla StonehideFrostfang SeaNo
Brrop GlorybladeFrostfang SeaNo
Catherine BowneFrostfang SeaNo
Corna KilgourFrostfang SeaNo
Dagbart FalkrenFrostfang SeaNo
Dannon RamsdellFrostfang SeaNo
Darren DaybreakFrostfang SeaNo
Drallin CaelthisFrostfang SeaNo
Durf OrcslasherFrostfang SeaNo
Dyrunn GoldgripFrostfang SeaNo
Egin FireheartFrostfang SeaNo
Eidnar AartssonFrostfang SeaNo
Flannin GaribayTimorous DeepNo
Fradin UnderbellyGreat DivideNo
Garrot NuesoonFrostfang SeaNo
Gerta FrostbeardFrostfang SeaNo
Gilna GlorysongFrostfang SeaNo
Glippit GreenmuckFrostfang SeaNo
Gruu FairbairnFrostfang SeaNo
Halik PathstalkerFrostfang SeaNo
Hason BrightsteelGreat DivideNo
Igdor SteelthornFrostfang SeaNo
Jarda SilverstaffFrostfang SeaNo
June BlankensayTimorous DeepNo
Kastor GlimmerbitFrostfang SeaNo
Kyna BlackhammerFrostfang SeaNo
Ledvin AxethrowerFrostfang SeaNo
Libbit SwampchildFrostfang SeaNo
Lif ErronsonFrostfang SeaNo
Mirva KilgourFrostfang SeaNo
Mistress ThoraFrostfang SeaNo
Nariel AldaemeFrostfang SeaNo
Nial FrosteyeGreat DivideNo
Odhild GoblinbladeFrostfang SeaNo
Olio SaphathoFrostfang SeaNo
Orn IceheartFrostfang SeaNo
Ornulf SweettongueFrostfang SeaNo
Ricka StonehideFrostfang SeaNo
Shiharra Veldin1   Frostfang SeaNo
Suhuba VankedisiFrostfang SeaNo
Taryn HighseaFrostfang SeaNo
Tergjerd GorebladeFrostfang SeaNo
Thilde QuickloomFrostfang SeaNo
Tirla GravelheartFrostfang SeaNo
Topher ChanningFrostfang SeaNo
Tornal HaymakerFrostfang SeaNo
Torvil BeastamerFrostfang SeaNo
Tova GilbrideFrostfang SeaNo
Trainer Aleks SilverhelmFrostfang SeaNo
Trainer Cael BlackstockFrostfang SeaNo
Trainer Gani MaccussonFrostfang SeaNo
Trainer Hawk DunlopFrostfang SeaNo
Trainer Levka FoebladeFrostfang SeaNo
Trainer Lillgard ThunderriderFrostfang SeaNo
Trainer Naldur FursytheFrostfang SeaNo
Trainer Ragnhild StonefistFrostfang SeaNo
Trainer Thorir WolfskinnerFrostfang SeaNo
Vald JerngardFrostfang SeaNo
Villgerd GregorsonFrostfang SeaNo
Waldhar StonebackFrostfang SeaNo
Wolcott ChillbornFrostfang SeaNo