Legends of the Dragons  

Needs5 items
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Legends of the Dragons
Reward: (choose one)

The items in this collection can all be found by collecting ground-spawn fluttering pages with a ! over them (and often as mob drops or in objects) in the zones listed unless noted differently below in the list of Items in this Collection.

When you have all the pages and the binding, talk to a Book Binder, or any Collector NPC, to restore the book and complete this quest for your reward and a very nice chunk of experience.

Items in this Collection

  • Binding: Legends of the Dragons
  • Page 3: in a tent at -333,-104.37,-175 in the Sinking Sands
  • Page 5: in an underwater crate at -2002, -244, 312
  • Page 6: From a skeleton at the graveyard at -173, -97, -574 in the Sinking Sands.
  • Page 7: no trade drop off of Sandscrawler Goblins or Desert Lunatic/Prophets in the Sinking Sands and Pillars of Flame
  • Page 12: no trade drop off of Kromtorr Soldiers in the Pillars of Flame. Also, Desert Lunatics.

This page last modified 2010-12-29 12:13:18.