Tinkerist Nalzie has found a signature on some of the machine parts I brought back to him earlier. I am to look for a goblin named Grizzik and slay him, as he appears to be the main architect for most of the machines being used by the Nurgans. Nalzie believes that I will find him deep within the Mines of Nurga. Once Shamachanic Grizzik is defeated, I am then to place Nalzie's Route-Kit on Grizzik's machine in an effort to disable it, and prevent it from ever being used.
Stage 1
I must locate Shamachanic Grizzik and his Wondrous Machine, and destroy them.
Start: | Locate and defeat Shamachanic Grizzik in the Nurgan Mining Camp |
Complete: | I have defeated Shamachanic Grizzik. |
Start: | Use Nalzie's Route-Kit to destroy Grizzik's Wondrous Machine |
Complete: | I have destroyed the Wondrous Machine. |
I have defeated Shamachanic Grizzik and destroyed his Wondrous Machine.Stage 2
I must return to Tinkerist Nalzie within the Drogan Exile Camp.
Start: | Return to Tinkerist Nalzie in the Drogan Exile Camp. |
Complete: | I have completed the task. |
I have completed Nalzie's tasks. I was able to defeat Shamachanic Grizzik, and destroy his Wondrous Machine.