This Sniffwistle is a smart cookie. He wants me to gather Trebuz Bixie parts so he can create a cognatic bixie bopping machine.
Stage 1
Grimply needs parts from the Trebuz bixies to create his machine. Their hives are located in the valley of the Great Swarm.
Start: | I need to find a Trebuz bixie head. |
Complete: | I found a Trebuz bixie head. |
Start: | I need to find a Trebuz bixie body. |
Complete: | I found a Trebuz bixie body. |
Start: | I need to find some Trebuz bixie legs. |
Complete: | I found some Trebuz bixie legs. |
Start: | I need to find some Trebuz bixie wings. |
Complete: | I found some Trebuz bixie wings. |
I gathered the parts for Grimply's machine.Stage 2
Now that I have the Trebuz bixie parts, I should take them to Grimply, at Spire Shadow Outpost.
Start: | I should take these bixie parts to Grimply. |
Complete: | I gave Grimply the bixie parts. |
I have given Grimply all of the bixie parts I gathered. I helped Grimply with his cognatic bixie bopping machine.