Snakes, She Loves Snakes  

Grants AA
Related Zone:
Required Mobs:
Min Coin: 53s, 57c
Max Coin: 59s, 97c
Choice Of:
Medium's Mantle of Fear
Stalker's Mantle of Fear
Healer's Mantle of Fear
Defender's Mantle of Fear

This quest is given by Krozk Bonebraka in the Feerrott. You need to gather auto-updating parts from each of the following mobs in the Feerrott:

Brush constrictors are the real hold up, they are a pretty rare spawn in the place of the other two. Luckily they usually come in groups of two, which allows you to do the trick where you kill one in the encounter and then call for help and run away. They will respawn as two. You can rinse and repeat this nine times to get your updates.

The reward is coin and experience.

Feed Me Feerrott
Quest Series
Lizard Food
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Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2008-12-31 08:40:10.