I met a dwarf named Ignar Steadirt near the Qeynos' Claymore monument. He thinks I'm the answer to his prayers for help in the battle against the undead! I've never been the answer to anyone's prayers before.
Stage 1
I need to speak with the dwarven knights in Antonica.
Start: | Grel Stoneshearer overlooks the Keep of the Ardent Needle from a nearby hilltop. |
Complete: | I spoke with Grel. |
Start: | Grelda Stoneshearer is near the Keep of the Gnollslayers. |
Complete: | I've spoken with Grelda. |
Start: | Morte Winghammer is near a covered bridge. |
Complete: | No one told me Morte was a human! |
I've spoken with three dwarven knights. Well, two dwarves and one human dwarven knight, anyway.Stage 2
I need to report back to Ignar Steadirt.
Start: | Ignar Steadirt is near the Qeynos' Claymore memorial. |
Complete: | I spoke with Ignar. |
I've spoken with Ignar Steadirt.Stage 3
I need to obtain Lord Grimrot's scythe from the gnolls.
Start: | The Sabertooth rune casters possess a part of the scythe. They are northeast of Archer's Wood, east down the path, approaching Bramble Woods in Antonica. |
Complete: | I located and destroyed part of Lord Grimrot's scythe. |
I've destroyed part of Lord Grimrot's scythe.Stage 4
I need to report to Ignar Steadirt.
Start: | Ignar is near the Qeynos' Claymore memorial. |
Complete: | I've spoken with Ignar. |
I've spoken with Ignar.Stage 5
I must destroy the remaining piece of Lord Grimrot's war scythe.
Start: | This piece is with the Darkpaw rune casters in Bramble Woods in Antonica. |
Complete: | I've obtained and destroyed the war scythe. |
I've destroyed the remaining piece of the war scythe.Stage 6
I need to return to Ignar Steadirt.
Start: | Ignar Steadirt is near the Qeynos Claymore memorial. |
Complete: | I reported the destruction of the war scythe to Ignar. |
I've spoken to Ignar Steadirt.Stage 7
I need to seek Grimbold Steadirt, the dwarven centurion.
Start: | Grimbold Steadirt is near the entrance to Firemyst Gully. |
Complete: | I spoke with Grimbold. |
I've spoken to Grimbold Steadirt. Ignar Steadirt is still frustrated that he has to remain at the Claymore monument, but he was very grateful for living the battles vicariously through my reports. It has been my pleasure.