Apprentice Trainer Hasika is asking for help clearing out some of the needletails from the Swamp of No Hope. She believes they are preying on young sokokar, which she was charged to capture and return to her master. Hasika is offering to pay me if I can hunt some of the needletails down. Although she wasn't too specific, I can probably find the needletails throughout the swamp itself.
Stage 1
I must hunt no-hope needletails within the Swamp of No Hope.
Start: | No-hope needletails slain. |
Complete: | I have slain enough no-hope needletails. |
Start: | Return to Apprentice Trainer Hasika on Sathir's Span. |
Complete: | I have completed Hasika's task. |
I was able to complete the task of hunting the needletails. I was able to clear some needletails from out of the Swamp of No Hope.