White ( empty )+119 sta +126 wis +117 int
15.6% Crit Chance
5.1% Crit Bonus
4.9% Spell Weapon Auto-Attack Chance
9.9% Spell Weapon Multi-Attack Chance
4.9% Potency
Mystic Havoc III
Gravity Flux
Two-Handed Crushing
| |
Damage | 203 - 1152 | (193.7 Rating) |
Delay | 7.0 seconds | |
Level | 90 | |
All Fighters, All Mages, All Priests, Beastlord
- When Equipped: [Mystic Havoc III]
- onAnyHit this spell has a 10% chance to cast Mystic Havoc
- Inflicts 2648 health magic damage on target
- When Equipped: [Gravity Flux]
- onDamageSpellHitTriggerOnce this spell has a 10% chance to cast Gravity Flux
- Inflicts 1986 health crush damage on target
- Unparsed [InterruptSpellEffectTemplate]