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Faction chart
# Mar 13 2014 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
1,080 posts
I do wish they would publish the faction chart and put in a numerical faction indicator, but barring that we must go by what we can learn. I have done extensive faction work throughout the world of Norrath since 2000 when I made my Dark elf enchantress. Many of the existing faction charts are perfectly acceptable the same way tossing a hand grenade into a bunker works. It gets the job done. Some of us want more precise information. There are various charts out there, some quite old, some almost the same as mine, some pretty far off. My chart is:

2101 and up = ally
1401 to 2100 = warmly (700 points)
901 to 1400 = kindly (500 points)
201 to 900 = amiable (700 points)
1 to 200 = indifferent (200 points)
-199 to 0 = apprehensive (20 0points)
-999 to -200 = dubious (800 points)
-1499 to -1000 = glares threateningly (500 points)
-1500 and below = scowls

Where you place indifferent is a personal choice. you could even start scowling at 0 if you wanted and adjust the numbers accordingly - if you knew exactly how many points scowling was. or start dubious at 0 and just have kos in the negatives.

3100 and up = ally
2400 to 3099 = warmly (700 points)
1900 to 2399 = kindly (500 points)
1200 to 1899 = amiable (700 points)
1000 to 1199 = indifferent (200 points)
800 to 999 = apprehensive (200 points)
0 to 799 = dubious (800 points)
-500 to -1 = glares threateningly (500 points)
-501 and below = scowls

I have posted all over zam with faction information. I started with the Paladin Message quest https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=361

Give a bottle of milk to Mojax Hikspin.

Mojax Hikspin says, 'Aaahhhh. Now that is refreshing. Just let me rest for a bit. The note is save and sound in my bedroll inside the inn.'

Your faction standing with Knights of Truth got better.
Your faction standing with Dismal Rage got worse.
Your faction standing with The Freeport Militia got worse.
Your faction standing with Priests of Marr got better.
Your faction standing with Steel Warriors got better.
You gain experience!!

It took 700 milk to get through amiable. that is where I get my 700 point span for amiable. and everything worked off of that. I have been proven out on multiple other factions and tasks with my numbers ( except for the occasional odd ball 800 point amiable span and some really odd factions).
Two different scales?
# Sep 04 2013 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Which is it? Did the faction ladder change with new expansions, and if so, at which expansion for those of us on a progressive server?
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