They used to be every weekly and on Sunday then that stopped happening and when we petitioned it and they were set to Thursday which went on for about 6 months then again we stopped receiving them and with this last patch we are now getting them on Sunday again.
So it is weekly - that has never changed.
All accounts get tokens now. No longer based on free or paid or anything but how old the account is. Sometimes a guide will award you a couple tokens for doing a guide sponsored event. Not real frequent.
If your account is at least 1 year old you will get max award each week. If it is less than 1 year you will get partial until you get to max.
For Paid/All Access and Silver you get 120/week up to 5760 For F2P you get 30/week up to 1440
If you reach max or within your award amount at max then you will not receive any until you spend some. IE if you have 5700 and your due for your 120 then you will not get any of the 120 cause that would put you over the 5760 cap.
Some players appear to be bugged and do not get these numbers but there does not seem any way to petition to fix them
I'm don't think the inactivity part is still true, but I included it anyway since I haven't yet found a notice of its repeal. Nonetheless, I let my subscription lapse for several months, but when logging back in, my velocity is still maxxed out, so it seems like in practice this aspect is void.