Crowfall Reveals Hunger Dome Game Mode

As pre-alpha testing begins, the ArtCraft team unveils a team PvP game mode.

After a successful Kickstarter campaign and a thousand backers prepared to enter Crowfall's pre-alpha testing phase, ArtCraft surprised players with the announcement that a PvP team game mode, Hunger Dome, will be the focus of the initial pre-alpha test. In Hunger Dome matches, teams participate in a single-elimination deathmatch, scavenging for weapons and armor as the map is consumed by the devouring maelstrom called "the Hunger".

"Today is a huge milestone for Crowfall and ArtCraft," commented President and Executive Producer Gordon Walton. "We promised our backers that we would deliver a playable combat prototype by the end of summer, and this morning we officially delivered on that promise."

"Crowdfunding changes everything," explains CEO and Creative Director J. Todd Coleman. "Our backers are doing us a huge favor by helping us test our game and refine our vision.  They are contributing because they are emotionally invested, and we want to recognize and reward that passion by over-delivering."

"The purpose of the Hunger is to force the teams to compete," continues Coleman. "As the Hunger expands, the play space condenses – forcing them to take refuge in the keep at the center of the map.  In the end, only one team is left standing."

Interested in getting involved with Crowfall? Submit a pledge over on the official site!

Ann "Cyliena" Hosler, Managing Editor


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