Search for Fossils in Aion's Latest Event
Aion's Picking Up the Past event kicks off today, September 7, and runs through October 5. Help the Aetrian Natural History Musem unearth the past and reap the rewards! Here are the details:
"Museum curators need help gathering fossils from ancient plants, insects, and animals in order to found a new Atreian Natural History Museum. Retrieve fossil specimens from the monsters and instance bosses, and claim additional fossils from in-game Surveys. Daevas who support their researchers with fossil specimens will be rewarded with medals, Abyss relics, consumables, crafting materials, T-shirts and more!"
NCsoft has clarified that the surveys will be going out at noon PDT each day, and you'll have to collect them on a daily basis because they don't stack. You can collect it anytime after the survey goes live, which gives you about 24 hours. You can also only claim them once per server, so make sure you collect them on the correct character.