Dual Spec to Cost One-Time Fee of 1,000 Gold

In case you haven't heard, the dual spec feature will include a one-time cost of 1,000 gold. Of course, there's all sorts of discussion surrounding the price, ranging from comments that it's fair to it's too steep. While there's a ton of blue comments on the price (and will certainly be more as time goes on), I thought Bornakk's response to a post complaining it won't save money for some gamers was worth nothing:

If you respec consistently between 2 exact specs it does save you money in the long run. If you have needed to respec as little as you mention, it won't save you money, but it adds a convenience if that is what you want and you still have quite a bit of time to get the gold if you want it. By respeccing so few and far between it would be pretty easy to not pick this up and just do the classic respec whenever it is needed which should be pretty cheap.

Bornakk also states that most players worried about the price should have more than enough time to earn 1,000 gold before Patch 3.1.0 launches. What do you think? Discuss it in this thread in our forums.


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Too Expensive?
# Feb 26 2009 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
In the same vein as Wortschmied's suggestion to do your Loremaster quests. I also have a solution for those out there thinking its too expensive.

---Spoiler Break ---



Keep respecing right along and enjoy it. Just because a new ability is out there doesn't mean you have to use it. And trust me. Gold sellers arent going to make a sudden profit off of this. Characters that are at the point they need this ability will have the finances to purchase it. Gaming goes on.
Respec fee
# Feb 26 2009 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
I thought Bornakk's response to a post complaining it won't save money for some gamers was worth nothing:

Personally think 1000G very reasonable, above made me giggle though, fairly sure you meant noting rather than nothing :P
QQ More
# Feb 25 2009 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
2,634 posts
I dont respec EVER my respec fee is currently at 15g, if that says how little I respec, but I will still pay the 1000g for the convience that if I EVER need to respec that I can without inconvience. It I really put my mind to it, I can earn 1000g in less than a week and im a casual player. What is wrong with you people?
# Feb 25 2009 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
Ok so with this dual spec how exactly is it gonna work? Is it gonna keep all the glyphs for both specs or are you gonna have to get them each time you switch over specs?
# Feb 25 2009 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
according to a post released a couple of weeks ago, it will switch between two sets of glyphs and talents that are linked together
# Feb 25 2009 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
well i think they should make it free if you have completed a certain number of achievements - at least that would make some point to them.
The final solution
# Feb 25 2009 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
To all those QQing who have 1 or more lvl80 chars.

Here I present you the final solution for your short term money problems
WITHOUT having to be an "OP Jewelcrafter"
OR doing the same daily quests over and over (I still encourage you to do Sons of Hodir quests until exalted, mind you)

The solution is...

Loremaster of Northrend

no really. I don't do that much daily quests, but I try to get a clear on each area with every lvl80 I have (2 ATM).

Now, I'm a lazybutt and it'll be MONTHS before I can sit with said lazybutt on a chopper, but even I see that this 1k gold ONE TIME FEE is peanuts. Besides, before you spend the money, THINK IF YOU REALLY NEED IT. One of my lvl80 chars won't get it because it would be pointless for him.

Whine, flame, whine, flame
# Feb 24 2009 at 10:23 PM Rating: Default
you know, if you are that lazy to run dailies, then yes we expect you to whine about wanting it for free. Next people will be flaming on about how the new raid is too hard, and that they should just get the T8 gear. Please, if you want it, put in the work for it. Getting to 80, is only the start of the real game.
Not bad at all..
# Feb 24 2009 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
I do not see how it would need to be free. 1000g is not that expensive, at all, relative to how much and how easy money can be made in wotlk. It could be 500g or whatever. Blizzard talked about adding money sinks to the game, this is in no way a surprise and we all KNEW that it would cost something (they said it several times that it would). They also stated that nothing would be as expensive as epic flying (that is not aesthetic) -- KT rings excluded I would say)..
# Feb 24 2009 at 3:17 PM Rating: Default
4,445 posts
Well I have 2 lvl 80's and between all of my toons I have about 3k. I don't have the current OP tradeskill that makes 100's of gold per day (Jewelcrafting), and I can't stand doing dailys every single day. I didn't mind the dailys on IOQ because at least alot of them were close together but in WOTLK you gotta run all over the place to try and hit them all.

I have been trying to save for epic mount for my DK but looks like now I get to spend 2/3 of my gold just to be able to have duel spec. I think its a stupid idea and yea it will just fuel gold sellers. HEck if I thought they were trustworthy I would almost consider buying some gold because of this. No more disgraceful then people paying Sony for the Station Cash program they implemented into some of there games.

Anyways thumbs down to blizzard. This is something that is going to just hurt the casual player. Hardcore players prob won't care since they are dropping 15k for motorcycles and 18k for the Tundra Mammoth mounts. I might not even bother with it on my mage but for my DK I think it would be a must to switch from DPS and tank.
# Feb 27 2009 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts

Poor baby. Do the damn daily quests and stop your *********

My current toon is a DK on Dalaran. I started her back in late November, and was able to make her because I transferred a gimped-out pre-BC level 60 (with 30g to his name) from an older server that I used to be on when the game first came out. So I had a new DK with NO support whatsoever. She's not a JC. She's herb / inscrip (changed from alch after glyphs stopped selling, so she didn't catch that gravy train) and she's had the money to do the following:

Standard riding mount
Epic land mount
Standard flying mount
Epic flying mount
50 mount achievement
Titansteel destroyer

Among so many other things. No outside support. How? Because I manage my time. I know exactly why 99% of the "that's too expensive" whiners have no money - because you spend your entire game session either running a heroic or sitting in Dalaran looking for the next heroic group that will take you. Learn to manage your time. Give up a little of that heroics time and go work your tradeskills. Learn how to fish and cook, two very good money-making professions in the late game. Learn how to work the auction house. Just as the people that never go on raids will never progress their equipment past a certain level, people that never work their tradeskills or do the dailies will never have the money to progress other aspects of the game past a certain point.

Me? I can buy that respec several times over. My auction house toon alone could do it FOUR TIMES.

The one thing I have never wanted for in this game in the last 18 months that I've been back is money. Money is the most ridiculously easy thing to get in this game. A round of dailies should net your average level 80 at least 300 gold after expenses (assuming you use the air taxi and run up a slight repair bill). So quit yer ********* The way to get the cash is there, all you have to do is stop being a blubbering wuss and go get it.

Edited, Feb 27th 2009 11:42am by Yngvie
omg, 75 quests worth of gold1!!!11
# Feb 24 2009 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
370 posts
I wonder...if there wasn't inflation with the xpacs, and this cost 100g but quests only yielded 1.3g instead of 13, would there be this much qqing over the price? Haven't respecs been the same price since vanilla? did people cry about how changing specs cost a crippling amount of gold before BC? (the last is a non rhetorical question, I'd really like to know)
omg, 75 quests worth of gold1!!!11
# Feb 24 2009 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
Actually there was not a huge gold increse from dailys from BC to LK only 1-4g more and 16g ones are few and far between. Some have always had a problem with respec cost myself it never bothered me as I didn't do it much pre LK always was a place for resto sham. That being said for a long time now gold has been very easy to get before LK even hit I had 5 toons with Epic flight just doing dailys its all about what is important to the player. Some people sink huge amounts of gold into trades just to make self only items, other just twink out numerous toons. 1k is not that bad for this at all just killing trash while doing a daily can net you as much and sometimes more then the quest itself. There will always be people who consider it hard to make gold in WoW due to amount of time they can play ect.
Empty Talents be better
# Feb 24 2009 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
I was looking and considering the amount of respecs I actually do while 1k is nothing at 80 and I have plenty to cover it I wont be paying for it. I respec alot but at times I dont always choose the same talents. I would prefer it to be a switch to 2nd glyphs and empty talents so I could configure them each time. I dont see that happening so I guess I am stuck doing it as I always have.

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 4:29pm by Bokgo

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 7:25pm by Bokgo
Empty Talents be better
# Mar 03 2009 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
Is it possible that you could simply not fill in your talents and save that as a spec? or do you think it will require you to fill every point?
Get over it
# Feb 24 2009 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
1k gold is nothing for the 80's it stands to benefit. 5 days of dailies and turning in trash loot=EASY1.5k. Get over it. From initial reports it won't even be AVAILABLE to those below 80. The level 19 twinks I guess will have to continue paying for respecs...
Get over it
# Feb 25 2009 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
This will be available for lvl 40 and above, 1000g seems expensive if it's your only toon.
# Feb 24 2009 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
once again another money sink that the goldsellers will love and gamers hate.
# Feb 24 2009 at 1:34 PM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
Great point. I wish Blizzard would take these kinds of concerns to heart and stop feeding the gold farmers new opportunities.
Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager
# Feb 25 2009 at 7:08 AM Rating: Default
I agree completely...but I also always 'try' to look at a situation from both sides and in this one I see Blizzard stuck in a spot. If they want/need a gold-sink....or introduce aesthetic rewards that cost gold to acquire...then they ARE providing the gold sink intended/desired, but at the cost of allowing the gold sellers a new opportunity to flourish and multiply.

IF however, they added these rewards or changed the requirement to having to actually WORK through some content or spend a significant amount of time doing something in the game to achieve these items, etc. {as apposed to doing dailys and such to earn money to buy them} then they would be strengthening their own position with their game while weakening the gold sellers position to benefit.
# Feb 25 2009 at 7:16 AM Rating: Default
{Wouldn't let me edit my own post}

An addendum to my post -

One solution would be that these things require "points" to acquire. I say points because this would keep from having to implement yet another 'badge' system. I don't know how they would decide what things in the game rewarded these points, but if they chose wisely...it would encourage the gamer to explore and experience more of the game world if done properly.

I'm not a 'big-brain' type...but that's my two cents on it.
Do it for free, the PvE world needs it.
# Feb 24 2009 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
Although the point of having enough time to raise the 1000g is valid, I think it's very unnecessary and will only further impede low population PvE environments when coupled with the new instance queueing. Having this available at no cost to all players will make forming parties much easier and faster, thus helping more than hindering. As it stands right now, 1000g to do this severely limits the benefit of this ability.
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