So, Doctor Strange was decent, but nothing terribly special. Pretty basic origin story stuff for the most part. The mirror dimension scenes have some cool special effects, but you get to see a lot of that in trailers. I did see it in 3D and honestly, it didn't do much for me. A couple scenes where the characters are falling large distances looked good, but for the most part it was fairly flat. That's the sort of thing you get when a movie is converted to 3D instead of being shot in 3D. If you haven't decided which version to watch, I'd save the money. I did like the way that Strange faced down Dormammu was somewhat original. It made for a somewhat anticlimactic final fight, but it was at least something different, which I appreciated.
As to the after credit scenes, there are two of them. The first one is a basically a setup for the next Thor, which wasn't anything special. Just a quick back forth between Thor and Doctor Strange about how Thor had brought Loki to Earth to help track down Odin. Doctor Strange would rather Loki not be on Earth and agrees to help find Odin to speed up Loki's departure. The second is a setup for the next Doctor Strange movie, where I expect Mordo will be the main villain.
This isn't even close to the best Marvel movie, I can't even say that I would recommend seeing in theaters unless you happen to be a huge Doctor Strange fan and just can't wait. It does make for a strong weekend rental or late cable movie though.
Edited, Nov 5th 2016 9:17pm by Turin