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Time to give Trump Presidency it's own Thread.Follow

#453 Sep 20 2017 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Jophiel wrote:
I didn't read any of that.
It was a better love story than Twilight.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#454 Sep 20 2017 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
If the protest had been about saving the whales, or raising awareness of global warming, or supporting SSM, and another group had showed up with tactical gear, pepper spray, and bats and proceeded to engage in the exact same actions that the antifa folks did, would you have questioned me if I'd labeled their actions as "horrible"?
Yes, because you'd also be insisting antifa didn't go far enough and the people supporting SSM and saving the whales were in the wrong and deserved to be beaten or killed.

That's some incredible example of projection you've got going there.

I would be condemning the actions of antifa regardless of who they were acting against. If they engaged in violent acts, I'd condemn those acts. Period.

It's funny, because this core point is one I seem to have to make repeatedly on this forum. I have no problem separating my judgement of a person or groups actions from who that person or group is, and who they acted for/against. Most of those on this forum not only don't seem to be able to do this, but don't appear to even be able to comprehend that it's possible to do this. As evidenced by the base assumption that condemnation of antifa's actions in this case must mean support for the white nationalists they were attacking.

For me, that's not the case though. I have no problem simultaneously condemning the ideology of the protesters and condemning the actions of the counter protesters. There's no conflict between those things. And there shouldn't be for you guys. But, for some bizarre reason, there is. Which I find incredibly strange.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#455 Sep 20 2017 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Oh. I'll point out that my question was not actually answered (not all responses are answers, as your post clearly shows).

If I were to label those actions as "horrible", would anyone here be disagreeing with me?

I guess my point is that if your answer changes from one case to the other, maybe you should be examining how you are making judgements. Because that seems like a fundamental flaw.

Edited, Sep 20th 2017 6:42pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#456 Sep 20 2017 at 10:18 PM Rating: Good
4,141 posts
I consider the relative harm (real, intended, financial, physical) to inform my decision making process in hypothetical situations posed by members of an online forum.
Dandruffshampoo wrote:
Curses, beaten by Professor stupidopo-opo.
Annabella, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
Stupidmonkey is more organized than a bag of raccoons.
#457 Sep 21 2017 at 7:15 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
That's some incredible example of projection you've got going there.
Really enjoy how often you think you can just handwave getting caught trying to use faulty hypotheticals like they were facts by randomly screeching "I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?!"
gbaji wrote:
not all responses are answers
Your not personally liking an answer doesn't disqualify it from being an answer.
gbaji wrote:
If they engaged in violent acts, I'd condemn those acts. Period.
Except when an armed militia illegally occupied land and not only did you not condemn them but actually defended them. But please, don't let me stop you from telling us just how noble and magnanimous you'd behave during make believe scenarios of your own design.Â

Edited, Sep 22nd 2017 11:39am by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#458 Sep 22 2017 at 9:17 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Part of me wants to see the next time NK does a missile launch, the US use the missile defense systems to blow it up...
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#459 Sep 22 2017 at 7:05 PM Rating: Default
1,324 posts
TirithRR wrote:
Part of me wants to see the next time NK does a missile launch, the US use the missile defense systems to blow it up...

This is the type of comment that makes me want to kinda see the world burn; we might as well start over. Why do you think "preemptive" strike was was not done a good while ago? Do you think US cares that much about Japan or SK that they would not risk it if it was a feasible option?

And just to be clear, the linked article is the optimistic spin of "could be easily stressed"; take a wild guess what that means. Psst, it does not really work.

But hey, lets push it well beyond the point of no return. We had a good run on this planet. Maybe next batch will make better decisions and not go down the trees like some of our ancestors did.

Your soul was made of fists.

Jar the Sam
#460 Sep 22 2017 at 11:46 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Wow. An article on Business Insider that knows all about how ballistic missile systems work. What an age we live in. I'd read it but it's one of those websites that beg me to disable ad block like I can't find the same quality click bait opinion pieces anywhere else.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#461 Sep 23 2017 at 4:11 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Eh? Not much click-baity about it. It just compares how the US and Russian anti-missile systems work. The US system tries to physically intercept an incoming missile with another missile which works fine when it works. Which is maybe 25% of the time -- other sources put the success rate at 40-50% though the Union of Concerned Scientists say that the tests have been slanted to be easy as possible for the interceptors. Anyway, you'll want to send several interceptors per incoming missile but, since Russia has over a thousand ICBMs, that's a whole lot of interceptors. Which we don't have. Hence the "the system could easily be stressed in a real life situation".

The Russian system uses nuclear equipped interceptors that can get within a half mile of the incoming target and blow up. Which greatly increases the chance that you'll hit your target but has some (hopefully) obvious drawbacks as well. But I guess they figure that a small blast high in the atmosphere over Siberia is better than a large blast directly over Moscow.

The US system could potentially be useful against a couple missiles from North Korea but trying to dong-flex by sending an interceptor at a NK test missile runs the very real risk of failing to intercept it and then you look kind of stupid. Even if we give it the benefit of the doubt at 50%, do you want to trust in a coin flip (or even two or three flips) to show the world how well our system works?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#462 Sep 23 2017 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Kuwoobie wrote:
Wow. An article on Business Insider that knows all about how ballistic missile systems work. What an age we live in. I'd read it but it's one of those websites that beg me to disable ad block like I can't find the same quality click bait opinion pieces anywhere else.

It is not rocket science ( ah-ha ). I am not sure I understand your argument though. It requires adblock, therefore information on it is useless? Would you want something less click-baity? Maybe something from the less business-oriented? Would LA times be meet those criteria? I ******' live to serve.

The information is not that secret. Basic critical thinking skills help, but available reports are pretty clear.
Your soul was made of fists.

Jar the Sam
#463 Sep 23 2017 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
It's just an excuse. Of course they're reporting that the US missile defense system doesn't work. It's not going to stop anything even if it could.

Some kind of attack from North Korea is looking pretty imminent now. --followed by 9/11 style mass hysteria and 24/7 news coverage for months on end. This time it won't be about terrorism. The new theme will cycle back to Communism as the menace to humanity and how it must be vanquished. --which of course means another wave of costly and destructive war for the US that will stretch on for decades and kill millions of people.

They're doing it right this time. Communism is a lot easier to relate to Americans. Instead of racial profiling and persecution of Muslims, they'll be able to go after any voice of dissent-- because "Communism" can equate to and already means "anything we don't like" in the minds of most people.

This is going to really suck, but it is consistent with everything else that has been happening since Chump was elected, and consistent with what happened with George W. in 2001. There's no telling yet how successful it will be in changing much though. There's going to be a lot of censorship. Websites will get shut down the way they did after 9/11, etc. Chump and the news will scream constantly about what they want and how they want people to think, but it will still only affect the same people who are already affected by it to begin with. I think the worst possible scenario will be a mandatory draft that will get a lot of people killed. A lot of stupid people will buy into justification for war because they attacked us, etc. It's all just the same **** over and over.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#464 Sep 23 2017 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Kuwoobie wrote:
It's just an excuse. Of course they're reporting that the US missile defense system doesn't work. It's not going to stop anything even if it could.

Some kind of attack from North Korea is looking pretty imminent now. --followed by 9/11 style mass hysteria and 24/7 news coverage for months on end. This time it won't be about terrorism. The new theme will cycle back to Communism as the menace to humanity and how it must be vanquished. --which of course means another wave of costly and destructive war for the US that will stretch on for decades and kill millions of people.

They're doing it right this time. Communism is a lot easier to relate to Americans. Instead of racial profiling and persecution of Muslims, they'll be able to go after any voice of dissent-- because "Communism" can equate to and already means "anything we don't like" in the minds of most people.

This is going to really suck, but it is consistent with everything else that has been happening since Chump was elected, and consistent with what happened with George W. in 2001. There's no telling yet how successful it will be in changing much though. There's going to be a lot of censorship. Websites will get shut down the way they did after 9/11, etc. Chump and the news will scream constantly about what they want and how they want people to think, but it will still only affect the same people who are already affected by it to begin with. I think the worst possible scenario will be a mandatory draft that will get a lot of people killed. A lot of stupid people will buy into justification for war because they attacked us, etc. It's all just the same **** over and over.

Just because they will try to get rid of that pesky interwebz thing does not automatically mean the threat is not real.

I don't disagree with you with the general direction of the power centers, but that is what they normally try to do; get more power, and lets face it, interwebz is stepping on a lot of toes.

Still, the two thoughts are not mutually exclusive by nature. It does help that Kim is a genuine high level *******.
Your soul was made of fists.

Jar the Sam
#465 Sep 23 2017 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Speaking of the internet. It occurred to me recently, what with all the crying about millennials being at fault for everything-- the true difference between older generations, and younger ones.

It is popular opinion these days that older folks are superior. They're tougher, smarter, stronger. The are true adults/real men, etc. Supposedly. But what is to say they would be any different if they were born later? I believe the internet has a lot to do with it.

The difference is older folks spent their days watching television. Their feelings about things were largely shaped by predictable programming from a tightly controlled medium. You can't see boobs. Boobs are bad, but violence is ok-- as long as it's not too graphic. Buy our stuff. Your life is meaningless without the best paper napkins. Our company is your good friend. Ignore the evil things we do because we are important in your life and our brand is part of you and your culture. Get a job and create an nuclear family like the ones you see on TV. These are your role models you must strive to become. This is normal. Everything else is evil. Not normal. Use the word Communism frequently.

This is the thought process TV instills in its viewers. Younger generations aren't watching TV nearly as much, if at all. Entire industries of frivolous goods are going under, and its all the fault of Millennials for not buying it. They aren't falling in line with the standards set about through TV.

This is why they hate the internet, I think. This is why they need to censor it and make it more like TV. It isn't enough for them to have a website for the 700 Club if everyone is watching videos of "counter culture" on YouTube instead.

Edited, Sep 24th 2017 12:00am by Kuwoobie
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#466 Sep 23 2017 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Kuwoobie wrote:
Speaking of the internet. It occurred to me recently, what with all the crying about millennials being at fault for everything-- the true difference between older generations, and younger ones.

It is popular opinion these days that older folks are superior. They're tougher, smarter, stronger. The are true adults/real men, etc. Supposedly. But what is to say they would be any different if they were born later? I believe the internet has a lot to do with it.

The difference is older folks spent their days watching television. Their feelings about things were largely shaped by predictable programming from a tightly controlled medium. You can't see boobs. Boobs are bad, but violence is ok-- as long as it's not too graphic. Buy our stuff. Your life is meaningless without the best paper napkins. Our company is your good friend. Ignore the evil things we do because we are important in your life and our brand is part of you and your culture. Get a job and create an nuclear family like the ones you see on TV. These are your role models you must strive to become. This is normal. Everything else is evil. Not normal. Use the word Communism frequently.

This is the thought process TV instills in its viewers. Younger generations aren't watching TV nearly as much, if at all. Entire industries of frivolous goods are going under, and its all the fault of Millennials for not buying it. They aren't falling in line with the standards set about through TV.

This is why they hate the internet, I think. This is why they need to censor it and make it more like TV. It isn't enough for them to have a website for the 700 Club if everyone is watching videos of "counter culture" on YouTube instead.

Kids these days, amirite?

“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise."

*shrug* the cycle continues. My dad complained how kids these days are too visual, because of widespread adoption of TV. I will be pissing on the kid immersed in AR or VR hooked directly to their brains for letting someone actually touch their grey matter.

I think you not completely wrong though. For those in power, not necessarily old folks, the issue is lack of sufficient control of the medium.

Edited, Sep 24th 2017 12:00am by Kuwoobie [/quote]

Edited, Sep 23rd 2017 8:54pm by angrymnk
Your soul was made of fists.

Jar the Sam
#467 Sep 23 2017 at 7:39 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
The world is ending in two hours, and I'm sitting upstate during a training weekend.Â

Edited, Sep 23rd 2017 9:42pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#468 Sep 24 2017 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,966 posts
Kuwoobie wrote:
It is popular opinion these days that older folks are superior. They're tougher, smarter, stronger. The are true adults/real men, etc. Supposedly. But what is to say they would be any different if they were born later? I believe the internet has a lot to do with it.

The difference is older folks spent their days watching television. Their feelings about things were largely shaped by predictable programming from a tightly controlled medium. You can't see boobs. Boobs are bad, but violence is ok-- as long as it's not too graphic.

OK, so I'm bored at work (back on the graveyard shift again because some people are assholes and won't commit), so I'll respond.

First off, what is "old"? At 51 I'm older than you (and most of the other regular posters here, past and present). I'd argue that people around my age category aren't "better" than younger folk, just very different due to the environment(s) we grew up in. Speaking broadly, I'd guess the primary difference is that my generation was a lot more physically active if for no other reason than there were a whole lot less sedentary things to do that would hold the interest of a kid or young adult.

Secondly; I like boobs, personally, so I don't comprehend the ridiculous prohibition, TV-wise, either. Wiser folk than I have written reams about the USA's weird pseudo-Puritan attitude toward sex and they can't make heads or tails of it either. In conclusion, I like boobs.

Third and last; age maybe isn't as great a factor in people's attitudes about the world around them as much as - just throwing this out there - how much they have read and their deliberate and ongoing effort to simply learn something new as often as possible. One's world view, in my estimation, is about as narrow as one's supply of information. Just my opinion, of course.
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#469 Sep 24 2017 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,966 posts
angrymnk wrote:
For those in power, not necessarily old folks, the issue is lack of sufficient control of the medium.
This statement contains truthiness.

Edited, Sep 24th 2017 4:55am by Bijou
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#470 Sep 24 2017 at 8:08 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Kuwoobie wrote:
They're doing it right this time. Communism is a lot easier to relate to Americans. Instead of racial profiling and persecution of Muslims, they'll be able to go after any voice of dissent-- because "Communism" can equate to and already means "anything we don't like" in the minds of most people.

Doubtful. The Red Threat worked because the Soviet Union actually WAS expanding its power at the time. Regardless of the actual threat, we were in competition for sphere of influence. North Korea isn't expanding to anywhere. Everywhere around them is either US aligned or else within China's (or India's) sphere of influence.
Kuwoobie wrote:
Speaking of the internet. It occurred to me recently, what with all the crying about millennials being at fault for everything-- the true difference between older generations, and younger ones.

The bigger question is how a generation that was raised with the internet as a constant presence can still get trolled on a weekly basis by a Methuselah like the New York Times into rage-retweeting and hate-clicking articles. Title article "Industry profits down as companies fail to attract younger buyers" and no one cares. Title it "How Millennials are killing Industry" and get 200x the traffic to your site.

Edited, Sep 24th 2017 9:23am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#471 Sep 24 2017 at 8:32 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Also of note: We have a president who has spent more time and energy condemning people who peacefully protest by kneeling during a song than he has Alt-Right terrorist who murdered a woman.

But, you know, the problem is REALLY all about how people aren't protesting the "right way".

Edit: Worth noting that it's as much about distracting from the upcoming week where Trump will almost certainly be a double-loser on both healthcare and his endorsed candidate in the AL Senate race getting his ass kicked.

Edited, Sep 24th 2017 11:00am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#472 Sep 24 2017 at 10:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I'm taking a vector approach. I'm hoping the NFL protests and the healthcare loss (fingers crossed) will distract 45 from North Korea for a few days.

So my theory is that 45 is ignoring Puerto Rico, which is a horrifying mess right now, because 1) they're brown; 2) as a New Yorker he probably hated "the PRs"; and 3) he likely doesn't know they are American citizens.

He's going after both NK and the NFL protesters because they're non-white and uppity.

I dunno, I'm starting to think he may be a racist.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#473 Sep 24 2017 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
1,324 posts
Samira wrote:

I dunno, I'm starting to think he may be a racist.

I will admit I chuckled.
Your soul was made of fists.

Jar the Sam
#474 Sep 25 2017 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Samira wrote:
2) as a New Yorker he probably hated "the PRs";
As a duly designated representative of the City, County and State of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension and go overclip your thumbnails.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#475 Sep 25 2017 at 3:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Samira wrote:
2) as a New Yorker he probably hated "the PRs";
As a duly designated representative of the City, County and State of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension and go overclip your thumbnails.

I don't understand any of this!
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#476 Sep 26 2017 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
I'm curious where this line that Puerto Rico is being ignored is coming from? Disaster has been declared, thousands of people there working, helicopters and various vertical takeoff/land cargo planes moving supplies, Army Corps of Engineers there working to restore power.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
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