scchan wrote:
There is a thread in end game thread about how sucky to run such a LS. A big part of end game is unfortunately is item greed, drama, and E-Peen.
You need 18 people to get good gear is an urban legend.
It really does suck to run an endgame LS, and the bigger and more random people in the LS, the worse is it.
Since coming back, I've formed a small endgame LS, that's 95% friends, with a couple people that were interested in it that I did not know, but gave a chance.
We're having a lot of fun, we are easily able to low-man the things we do when we don't have an alliance, and it's 100% easier to manage a small group of people that aren't drama-laden or gear whores.
I have a zero tolerance policy, one infraction and you're kicked forever, I guess that's why I'm so hostile towards people like Drakenmaster, I don't have time to deal with petty crap, and I feel sorry for anyone that does.