Greetings server. I am Megaman in-game, and I'm porbably going to get alot of
flames for this, but I feel I need to speak my mind. Ever since I hit 75 about
2 weeks ago I've noticed an alarming trend in the volume of tells I receive
asking for Teleports and Raises. I just wanted to make it clear that I did
not spend 110+ days in FFXI leveling WHM to be a Teleporter or Raiser.
I know some people will say "Just go anon" but I am very proud of the
hard work and research I put into being a really good WHM as well
as a contributing member of Cerebus. I definately help whomever I can
when I'm not busy as my LS CalltoArms can attest. I do not want to have
to B-list people because its not my style. I just wanted to say if you ask
me for a Teleport or Raise and I'm in Whitegate or Jueno, you will be
ignored. Not to say I don't Raise people or help out, just last night
while waiting for Serket to pop so I could watch the fight, the party
next to me pulled a link and I threw them some cures so they could defeat both
mobs. I also do regular raise runs in the Dunes and Quifim too. Just wanted
to let you know why I'm not answering you is all. Sorry for the long post.