So, I really want to get a Haubergon for my samurai because I H-A-T-E Royal Knight Chainmail.
Currently on our server Haubergon is around like 5.5m?
Anyway I got like 100k <.< but I have around 140 beastman seal to use.
So the question is : With 140 beastman seals can I get enough money to buy myself a sexy Haubergon?
I thought that the BCNM 20 that drop Astral Ring (~1.8m) whould be good but idk the drop rate.
Can you suggest me good BCNM that will maybe get me the money or make me on the good way?
PS : I'm french. Sorry for the grammar. :-P
Thank you Cerberus!
Edited, Mon May 1 16:33:15 2006 by FurionTheSamurai