cool beans dahl :)... and Esdim... I kinda found one... well, won my last 2 out of 2 attempts at least.
Of course, we all know about summon avatar of the day and nuke w/ elemental IV BP asap. Run away to safe recasting spot. Once the BP is ready, I release and recast the avatar and rinse and repeat. When I have to recast an avatar, I have two mobs coming after me... the mannequin and the avatar... my avatar will attack whichever of the two is closest to me. After my avatar gets the attention of one mob, I retreat my avatar so he auto-attacks the other mob. Elemental IV BP again and run to the gates where you entered (3rd safe casting spot).
Repeat again. However, this time, after you do the elemental IV BP, instead of just running away, you want to retreat your avatar and make the mannequin follow you and the avatar to the opposite side of the moblin. Reason being is if you just run off to a safe casting spot, once you release the avatar, the mobs will come running back and your new casted avatar will engage the moblin as he will be the closest mob. If you move the mannequin to the opposite side of the moblin (put the mannequin between your safe casting spot and the moblin so to speak), and reassault, you should be safe next time you cast an avatar and don't have to worry about him hitting the moblin.
Thursday night I had to use my Astral Flow cause I had ~70 MP left and the mannequin still had 300 HP at least. So I popped off Astral Flow, changed to my V Cloak and popped some ethers... When I was ready, I released and recasted then astral flow and Tidal Wave. Maybe the mannequin ran out of MP, I'm not sure... but I didn't see his avatar any more... and luckily the moblin was busy rolling dice in the background and didn't get hit by the tidal wave. If he would have, it would have been interesting. It would have been one mob vs one mob... but I don't think I'd have the MP or time enough to finish the moblin.
Hope that helps Esdim... I just like this pot cause I don't ever see any smn's with it equip'd... ever.