Some of you may have seen the shout last night in Lower Jeuno for the crafting/farming LS that was discussed in another thread on this forum by myself and Greedybandit. The initial response has been encouaging and we hope that more crafters and farmers across the server will unite in one location to "get stuff done"! That is what this LS is all about: Getting stuff done.
In order to aliviate any confusion, I am going to attempt to explain in detail what this is all about. If you are a crafter or farmer of any level and need a palce to acuire or sell goods at a faster pace then the AH, this LS is for you. (ex. I'm mining and getting a lot or ore I'm too high to skill up on. I don't want to drop the potential gil that is there but I have no inventory room left. My AH is full with synthed high ticket items. What do I do? I send a message across the LS. Someone is using that ore to skill on and offers to come to the mine and take it off me in exchange for a stack or 2 of pickaxes. I don't have to stop mining and he gets some skillups. Win/Win)
That is just one of the applications for this LS. Need a product for a different town? Ask the LS, someone there should help you out. As you can see the ideas behind "TheGuild" are very different from your odrinary LS. Farmers will have an outlet to unload their product at a faster pace (increasing gil/hour) and crafters will get materials faster (increasing skill/hour).
Hopefully, people will like with the way the system works and numbers will grow and prehaps in interest of moving product faster prices will drop. This LS is very informal with no direct leadership (only moderation, much like the forums here) or restrictions (everyone gets a sack). All that matters is feeding the supply and demand cycle and having a good time doing it while makeing a friend or two.
This LS is in no way ment to take the place of your mission/exp/hmnls. It's a place to go when you want to make the most of your crafting/farming time. Pop in "get stuff done" and pop out. Hopefully we can get max members and keep the "store" open all the time.
That ends my somewhat longwinded explanation of the purpose of TheGuild. I hope it interests you as much as the current members. We are giving out pearls until there aren't any left. Let us know what you think. The possibilities are endless. Thanks for reading.
- Macbain
Greedy, I tryed to contact you last night...maybe we'll get in touch tonight.
Edited, Sat Aug 6 15:52:27 2005 by macbain