ah i remember the day i met phar, it's because of him i ever made it past level 6 or 8, i had no clue what i was doing but he was kind and helped me get on my feet, i remember the day he left too, caused quite a fiasco in the linkshell ;) i'm upset i'm only just reading this now long after he's ever gonna see it, since i'm only just coming back to the game now after quitting shortly after Pharnum, he was the only reason i ever really kept playing and after he left i sent all my money off to a mate and logged and deleted my character a few days later, kind of a drastic thing to do heh.. i was sorry to see phar go, i remember a few weeks ago i logged into playonline just for lack of anything better to do, and was surprised to have a message from Mornlithe quitting too.. also terribly out of date due to my months of exile from the game, i'm sad to see both these people go, as they both meant alot to me since i never made many friends (i'm terribly shy) anyway i'm not sure why i'm saying this, just letting my thoughts out about people i've lost contact with, i was never a renouned player, and it's doubtful if any of my old friends remember me, i know one of them didn't ;), summing up, i'm happy to see you getting on with life Phar, the last memories i have of you, you were unhappy playing and bored so i'm glad you've moved on.. a long time ago :P.