That Corsair SSd is a nice unit, its what I was running in my main until i upgraded to the twice as fast Samsung 840 Pro series 256 GB drive $230 at the moment from newegg, so $30 more for twice the Iops would definitly would be worth checking out.
Power supply will work for your system, though I second looking for a modular unit. Makes the build much easier.
Plan on getting a second one of those rotational 1TB drives and put both drives in a Raid 1 mirror array for backup purposes. Better to have your data on two spindles rather than just one for 5 years down the line when the drive fails.
That case is a nice unit, well built. Plenty of airflow.
I'd say go with 16GB ram over 8 since ram is dirt cheap still, most games won't use it, but some, especially MMO's will. Before you throw more money at a CPU though I'd consider either upgrading the video card, or putting it towards a larger power supply and a second video card to use in crossfire mode, assuming you have a decently large monitor to begin with. 650 is fine for a single card, but won't support duals.
Other than that, aside from the already mentioned pricing on the links you provided, looks good.