Hey guys, it's been a while since I had an active Mage, and boy I'm having a great time again. Unfortunately I have to play Ally, but then again that does allow me to play a Gnome.
Anyways, I'm having trouble - a LOT of trouble - with Fire.
On a dummy, I can get 7-10k indefinitely as fire, but the thing is I can get that with Arcane easily. In fact I can pull almost exactly 9K DPS cosistantly on a Raid Dummy indefinitely keeping 100% Mana. For Heroic boss fights I can push that number well into the teens relatively consistantly. The thing is, my Damage matches those DPS numbers. RARELY am I not casting or waiting for GCD.
So after looking at StateofDPS as well as a lot of guides, you'd think I could pull at least similar numbers with Fire. I can't. Some bosses, easy bosses, I've gotten as low as 6k DPS - Stonecore OWNED me - under 8kDPS overall: horrible. Entire boss fights with no Hot Streaks, horrible AoE RNG, and me asking myself how people are pulling these numbers on raid bosses!
My Mage is a baby - he's 14 hours played at 85. Dinged him 3 days ago. I've read and watched a number of reliable guides, and I'm trying my damnest to use my character correctly, but I'm finding myself starting Heroics as Fire and ending them as Arcane because I'm just ashamed of my Damage -- NOT DPS -- Damage. Arcane all the way through I have a decent shot of being top total Damage Done (just depends on who I'm playing with). Fire, I'm often last. Arcane I feel that if I pull threat I'll be OK - if I pull agro as Fire I'm dead or Iceblocked. Maybe I'm still not comfortable enough?
This is my Mage, Arcan. Am I just way too low gearscore to play with fire? Are my expectations wrong, should I play as Arcane in Heroics and leave fire for raiding? I need to learn this - but this learning curve is not allowing me to pull my weight. I'm not that much of a dumby that I couldn't figure this out, I don't think. The rotation is simpler than most DPS classes, and is not all that different than the old FFB that I used to top 25 mans with.
I have Power Auras setup with CDs, Procs, and even a mini alert when it's a good time to Combustion. I'm trying to never stop casting, I'm reapplying LBomb almost instantly after it goes off, I'm keeping Scorch crit bonus up, my Spec is a common one from a Guide, and I'm trying my best to pay attention to stat-weight (keep in mind how new my character is.)
I've found these boards to be a very supportive but critical tool in the past, and I really appreciate any tips you all have. I am simply frustrated after at least 2 hours of pure rotation practice on dummies, and a half-dozen attempts to do a heroic as Fire. Maybe in a few more days I'll just get the timing down =\