For all you resto druids out there, I’ve been tinkering with my healing style and build. So far, I’m more than excited with the results, so I decided to share it with you guys.
The general idea behind it is: for raids, Eflorescence sucks, revamped Wild Growth and revamped Rejuvenation rocks. Even more for 25’s. It’s just better to have a high reaction rate and enough mana to throw Rejuvenation on peeps who need, coped with Wild Growth smart healing, some regrowths when you have OoC procced and a 1.5 sec Nourish.
With this build: I think I achieved it. It focuses primarily in Rejuv. That means all Rejuv talents I can get and all mana talents I can get. With this, I noticed that I only go OoM in really stressfull situations, where I squeeze all the mana I can get to get people health up. Out of those situations, I’m really confortable with my mana, even always tossing Rejuvenation out whenever it’s needed.
One thing to notice, too, is that, having 3 people with rejuvenation, your Nourish goes down to 1.5 sec cast. Wich is the same as Regrowth, but with way less mana spent. Since we usually already have LB on one tank all the time, I’m adding a Rejuv on the tank all the time (this makes Mastery being active almost 100% of the time at the tank) and using at least 2 Rejuv on the raid the most I can. Doing that, I can toss Nourish in whoever else may still need health, wich accounts for around 10k health, criting for around 15k health, for a 1.5 sec cast. Wich is a lot and way more than what your Lolflorescence gets nowadays. I, also, got a nice little addon that is really configurable and warns me when OoC procs, so I can use free Regrowth. I noticed that, with this setup, my hps is way above than what it was and I’m still not going OoM. One last thing to notice: Innervate is not an ******* CD. You should use when 2 situations come up: 1 – you are at or below 75% mana; and, 2 – it’s off the 3 minutes CD. With that, I’m able to use innervate 2 times every fight, even 3 times in some particular fights (Omnitron comes to mind).
There are some talents on that tree that I’m still adjusting to see what works better. For example, Nature’s Ward. I noticed that, in some fights, this little talent is extremely important, like Chimaeron fight. I’m constantly below 50% health at this fight (would say 90% of the time) and having it means 1 less Regrowth I have to toss*, meaning more mana and time to heal whoever needs more and what that talent heals me for is just enough to beat the mechanic. But, out of those fights, it’s not really an important talent, since I’m constantly above 50% health.
The other talent would be Nature’s Swiftness, meaning one more ******* CD. Unfortunately, Healing Touch accounts for only 10% of a tank’s health nowadays, so that talent isn’t as strong as it was before.
I could go for 2/3 Living Seed, but since our crit rating isn’t that great and being crit as random as it is, I don’t see that talent as important as it could be.
Nature’s Cure is mandatory for 10 man and, for 25 man, is good to have. Not mandatory, but I wouldn’t raid without it, even though EJ says you should.
Perseverance is an ok talent. If you take in account that receiving less damage equals free heals, in fights that has heavy aoe spell damage that is unavoidable, that may mean you are getting quite some free heals.
Oh, one last thing, gear: I logged off in my dps set, so you will notice a lot of hit stuff there. But, a general thought on my healing set: int, spirit, haste, mastery. In that order, with crit counting for pretty much nothing. Mastery only comes before haste if you are tank healing more than raid healing or if you are above 2000 and something haste, wich I’m not anyways.
So, what you guys think? Would be nice to get some input, if you can.
*In that fight, in 10 man, we use a setup that has me healing 4 peeps (including myself), the second healer healing another 4 peeps (including himself) and the third healer healing the OT. When I only have 1 out of those 4 peeps to heal, I'll toss a Nourish. When I have more than 1, I'll toss Regrowth.