Hyolith, Hero Among Heroes wrote:
Yes, but the odds of that are pretty slim. I can get down to .8 sec SS cast with ISS, RF, and BL. There is no more BL in arena, in order to get a MMM proc you need to be able to shoot off at least 5, most likely more SS to get MMM.
Anyone decent in arena won't let a hunter cast 5-7 shots, yeah there is fox, but there is a ton of los in arenas.
I just think the chance to get off that perfect scenario is too far and wide that just because someone was able to do it once doesn't mean it should be nerfed. Well all know Hawk sucks hard and buffing it a few % won't do anything to compensate for the nerf to aimed shot.
No, it's actually pretty good that you can get off 5-7 Steadies in arena in 3s or 5s, as hunters are really unattractive targets right now with how much mobility they have with ~16 second Disengages and 35 second Master's Call (which is getting nerfed because it's so powerful).
Keep in mind that the MMM buff is a 30 second buff. I'm not saying you're going to be getting one of those combos off every 10 seconds, but more than likely every minute or two, and combined with a well-timed burst/CC chain from your teammates, it's easily enough to global someone.