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Big changes for druidsFollow

#102 Jan 27 2011 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
The most interesting change about healing in my mind is that you really are in less control of the situation then you were before. In WotLK you pretty much spammed heals the whole time. If you fell behind in your rotation, goofed up, got lag, decided not to heal someone, it was over pretty fast. You had a lot of control over the situation; assuming you were fast with the face-rolling.

Now things are pretty much out of your control. People die because they take too much damage, and there's little you can do to heal them back up. There seems to be very few things that will one-shot people; and those that can are avoidable/interrupt-able or something. Now the emphasis is back on the other members of the group. You're there with your finger in the **** praying no one pokes more holes in it then you have fingers.

Now its more of: how long can I make my mana last while keeping everyone alive? I don't know if I like the loss of control over the situation, but I really wasn't a fan of having everyone 1.5 seconds from death at all times in wrath. I mean, its nice to know if I have a lag spike, people will still be there when I get back.

Also, if you are doing 5-mans and/or aren't going to swap your innervate with someone (and hence don't need the glyph), an instant cast Entangling Roots is a lot more mana efficient then throwing heals on someone. It's only 7% of base mana, compared to RJ which is 20%... just food for thought. Smiley: wink

Edited heavily for clarity

Edited, Jan 27th 2011 9:34am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#103 Jan 27 2011 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I think I'm disappointed because I got a different impression of Ghostcrawler's triage vision.

Was under the impression that we'd have to decide who to heal and who not to heal - for a bit. Imagine my impressions summed up as two short internal monologues:

Pre-expansion impression

"Oh, tank and random DPS took damage, I'll heal the tank first and then the DPS if he takes more damage"

Post-expansion impression

"OH SHI- my tank is dying - RIGHT NOW! - and so is everyone else, but my biggest heal has a 2-second cast time and what's even worse, I'M ALREADY SPAMMING IT!"

It just feels horrible. Probably the least gentle transition in a game I have ever witnessed, including Sony's New Gaming Experience which literally tore Star Wars Galaxies apart in a frothing blood frenzy.

It's not that healing is hard. Most boss fights look something like this:

Lifebloom x 3
- OOC proc -

It's mind-numbingly simple. The issue is when someone suddenly stands in fire or gets hit by the boss' random "I'll pwn you now" ability. While the triage intention is for you to evaluate whether saving that DPS is better than keeping the tank secure, the reality is more like:

Lifebloom x 3

"OH SHI-!"

Tree of Life
Lifebloom fades.


Lifebloom x 3
Healing Touch
Healing Touch



- Wipe -

It's pretty funny when you think about it. And yet, it makes me sad.

Not that I liked the sudden death approach in WOTLK raiding and TOC either, but it did take the pressure off of me. If the tank got fragged by some special ability and we wiped, I'd blame it on lag and my inability to predict the immediate future. Now, groups take maybe a minute to wipe, but the wipe was destined to happen from the moment something went wrong. Like a snowball that starts rolling down a mountain. It forces the healer to fight an uphill battle for a minute or more before folding. A minute of uphill battling that ends in failure easily puts a player on a tilt. It breaks him or her down mentally and tensions arise in the group chat.

It gets even worse if the tank or DPS don't realize this new play style. They'll start ******** at the healer, accusing him or her of slacking, when in reality the outcome of the fight was determined the moment some DPS stood in a fire and the healer decided to heal him instead of the tank, thus allowing, say, Lifebloom, to fall off the tank and put the snowball in motion.

Feels ridiculous to know that this will end in a wipe, and there's nothing you can do about it, except try to toss out heals until you all die.
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#104 Jan 27 2011 at 12:00 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Honestly Maz, with 346 gear you have the tools in 5 mans to fix mistakes. It's rough at 333, but when you have heroic gear it becomes much easier. I definitely feel that for the most part I am in complete control of the situation. If someone messes up I can usually fix it, but if people ***** up too much I can't, and that balance is pretty good.

Also lifebloom is trivial to keep up, it's a 10 second CD. Basically if the tank is taking heavy damage you will have a HT or Nourish on him sometime in that period, and if the tank isn't taking heavy damage then you'll both have more time for healing the dps, so be more in control, and it should be easy to use one GCD at some point to keep LB up. If it does drop off, the tanks not taking heavy damage because you haven't been healing him anyway, you get a nice boost heal, and then put it back up. Just don't put it up at three stacks, it's not worth it, put one up, do a couple heals, put another up etc.

Basically blizzard has made it so that there is a level of mistake the healer can't fix, and I think that's great. Fantastic, stand in fire and die. Pull aggro like crazy and die.

Edited, Jan 27th 2011 12:02pm by Xsarus
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#105 Jan 27 2011 at 12:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I can't say I use Nourish anymore at all. It just feels like a waste of time. Same HPM as HT, but worse HPS, and both refresh LB now...

It's more like:

LB+RJ on tank
Swiftmend tank on CD
Wild growth + Efflorescence for DPS
Healing Touch for tank heals
Touch up DPS with RG/HT when OOC procs

If it gets much worse than that I'm not going to be able to handle it anyway, so I just do the best I can. Tranquility gives me one chance to "reset and start over" but it's only used if I feel we'll push through. If I see things about to head south early I can hit Tree, but I have a hard time using it to "save" a bad pull. It's so clunky as a response to a bad situation. In my experience at least, if I don't hit tree early enough to get a few extra LBs rolling before I need the extra healing, I quickly blow through all my mana.

But I've mostly been running half-PuG'd normals with guildies, so it's not really stressful at all.

Edited, Jan 27th 2011 10:27am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#106 Jan 27 2011 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
Basically blizzard has made it so that there is a level of mistake the healer can't fix, and I think that's great. Fantastic, stand in fire and die. Pull aggro like crazy and die.

I guess I just have to return to that mindset (TBC, was it?).

Interesting that Healing Touch and Nourish share the same HPM. Considering both have the same cast time. One might be better off just casting a Healing Touch every time the tank/DPS gets low enough. Plus, you don't risk casting a Nourish on a non-HoT'd person and watch as it heals for lol amounts of fail.

Edit: Xsarus, my healing gear is nowhere near 346. I'm running with a few heroic pieces, but belt and bracers are green 318 items. I can heal regulars well enough, provided people don't stand in fire. I assume I just need to get used to letting people die and come up with snappy comebacks for when they start *********

Edited, Jan 27th 2011 7:40pm by Mazra
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#107 Jan 27 2011 at 12:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Mazra wrote:
One might be better off just casting a Healing Touch every time the tank/DPS gets low enough.

That's my thought at least... *shrugs*


Slightly old numbers with my crappy gear; but still more or less valid. RJ's HPM is better now, and the Nourish number doesn't include keeping a HoT on (as I understand it). Still I asked myself this, how many times did I get myself in trouble in the middle of a Nourish cast? Especially considering that it heals for so little, and is only about 18% more efficient than just hitting HT; but only if you have a HoT up.

I mean if Nourish was enough to keep the tank up, or had HPM more along the lines of Swiftmend or Lifebloom, or if HT didn't refresh LB, I'd make use out of it. But as it stands the efficiency gains are so minimal while spamming, it hardly seems practical.

Also I asked myself what I'd be doing in the time I was waiting to cast HT rather than spamming Nourish. Most of the time I'm either standing there and recharging mana, or topping off the DPS if needed, or moving to a better position. If I'm recharging mana while waiting to cast HT, that kind of cancels out the efficiency gains of Nourish. If I'm healing DPS, chances are they'd be getting to dangerously low health during a Nourish cast. If I'm moving, that means I'll be in better position later if stuff hits the fan. The downside, of course, being that my LB timer isn't being constantly reset.

I dunno, Nourish just doesn't seem to have a lot going for it anymore.

Edited, Jan 27th 2011 11:20am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#108 Jan 27 2011 at 1:27 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Nourish is almost a free cast, and I prefer to user nourish to keep tank health high rather then overheal with HT which can drain mana pretty fast. Healing a 15-20K deficit with HT is a lot of wasted mana. You'll always have hots on that tank, so the efficiency is great. even at a 30K deficit, if the tank isn't taking damage like crazy I'll use nourish because while I'm casting all my hots are also ticking. I never use nourish for anyone besides the tank though. I'm certainly not going to wait until tanks take enough damage to make HT worth it, while I am for dps especially seeing as I'll put HT on them first.
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#109 Jan 27 2011 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I should get myself a HoT meter. My bane right now seems to be losing Lifebloom.

Just healed a regular dungeon and had two cases of fail. Identical for both cases was a lack of time to heal everyone. I was at 80% mana when we wiped both times. My HPS simply wasn't high enough.

Of course, the other similarity might have been a fail DPS and a fail tank. To quote the tank "No, I don't use Word of Glory. I don't see why I should."

Oh man.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#110 Jan 27 2011 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Of all the healing addons I've tried I find that healbot is the best at tracking hot status.
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#111 Jan 27 2011 at 2:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I can't say I have a lot of over-heal with HT. With tanks running around with like 120k health I can wait to cast until HT will give me no over-heal and they'll still be at 75% of max health. That feels like it's still in the safe zone to me at least.

I suppose I don't mean to totally discount Nourish. Efficiency is efficiency, and 18% more doesn't hurt. It's still on my bar and I use it at times; but really it's bound to '7' now, way over there on the right. ----> keep going... ----> further ---> about here. Smiley: clown

Clarity Edit: If the difference is between casting 3 nourishes or standing there picking your butt for 5.5 seconds and casting a Healing Touch; with a stack of LB rolling, sure you'll be ahead with Nourish spam. Ahead by about 18% if there's no over-healing either way. But if there's anything else to do in those 5.5ish seconds, you have to ask yourself if you're really better off rooted in place spamming a weak heal on the tank or if you should be getting something else done in that time, and casting a HT with a relatively minor loss to mana efficiency.

Judgment call to be sure, but how often are you standing there for 5-6 seconds with only the tank taking damage?

Mazra wrote:
I should get myself a HoT meter. My bane right now seems to be losing Lifebloom.

My indicator turns red when I have 1 second left to start my Healing Touch/Nourish cast. Smiley: smile

I lose it sometimes too. But most of the time if it falls off, the DPS were having a lot more problems then the tank, and a Tranq. tends to be just around the next corner anyway...

Sir Xsarus wrote:
Of all the healing addons I've tried I find that healbot is the best at tracking hot status.

Grid or GTFO. Smiley: wink

Edited, Jan 27th 2011 12:45pm by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#112 Jan 27 2011 at 2:51 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Using Grid for 5-mans is meh.

All I need is some timer somewhere that shows the duration of my HoTs. Like the good old... Quartz, was it?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#113 Jan 27 2011 at 3:24 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
Grid or GTFO. Smiley: wink
I've used grid, it's fine, but HB is better for hots.
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#114 Jan 27 2011 at 3:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
someproteinguy wrote:

Grid or GTFO. Smiley: wink

I've used grid, it's fine, but HB is better for hots.

What's yours look like with HB?

Screenie? Smiley: flowers
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#115 Jan 27 2011 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
I'll get one when I'm not at work. Maybe tonight, but more likely tomorrow.
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#116 Jan 27 2011 at 3:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
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Smiley: thumbsup

I can't say I have a good one of mine here at work either. I should fix that too.

Darn work...
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#117 Jan 27 2011 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
google came up empty for good SS of hots. :(
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#118 Jan 27 2011 at 3:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
On a related note, google pics should have a NSFW tag. Searching with 'Hot' or 'Hots' in the string doesn't necessarily lead to pictures I want on my computer at a public institution... Smiley: rolleyes
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#119 Jan 27 2011 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Maz, Quartz still exists and still works well, hell I use it and that should tell you enough. Smiley: tongue

Edit: Protein, safesearch is your friend.

Edited, Jan 27th 2011 11:26pm by Aethien
#120 Jan 27 2011 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
I track all my HoTs with Grid and GridStatusHots. Top right of the box shows a timer for my rejuv on the target, top left for Regrowth, bottom right for WG and bottom left for LB. The LB timer is red for one stack, yellow for 2 stacks and green for 3 stacks. So I always know how exactly how long all my HoTs have to run on each target in the raid/group. The only thing I don't have would be an indicator showing when a person has a rejuv or regrowth on them from another druid and is thus swiftmendable - would be easy to set up though.

LB+RJ on tank
Swiftmend tank on CD
Wild growth + Efflorescence for DPS
Healing Touch for tank heals
Touch up DPS with RG/HT when OOC procs

This is close to what I use, although I tend to use more RG instead of HT on the tank as I find the mana is OK if I only use the odd one on the tank. Nourish is used if all the DPS are already topped up and the tank is on 70% or more health. I don't like it though as it is a big cast time for a small heal and it leaves me feeling trapped if the tank suddenly takes a big hit and drops low.

I think Nourish needs to be about half a second quicker for it to be useful. For the length of cast it really just doesn't heal enough to be worth the effort in most cases.

#121 Jan 27 2011 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
4,512 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
Honestly Maz, with 346 gear you have the tools in 5 mans to fix mistakes. It's rough at 333, but when you have heroic gear it becomes much easier. I definitely feel that for the most part I am in complete control of the situation. If someone messes up I can usually fix it, but if people ***** up too much I can't, and that balance is pretty good.

Also lifebloom is trivial to keep up, it's a 10 second CD. Basically if the tank is taking heavy damage you will have a HT or Nourish on him sometime in that period, and if the tank isn't taking heavy damage then you'll both have more time for healing the dps, so be more in control, and it should be easy to use one GCD at some point to keep LB up. If it does drop off, the tanks not taking heavy damage because you haven't been healing him anyway, you get a nice boost heal, and then put it back up. Just don't put it up at three stacks, it's not worth it, put one up, do a couple heals, put another up etc.

Basically blizzard has made it so that there is a level of mistake the healer can't fix, and I think that's great. Fantastic, stand in fire and die. Pull aggro like crazy and die.

Which is more than fine for heroics, especially with 346 gear, but when you get to raids and its like "By the way, remember when we said healing would slow down? We were kidding. EVERYONE IS TAKING DAMAGE HEAL THEM NOW!!!", it's fustrating. At least in five mans its pretty black and white - you **** up, you die, I alone am in control of healing. When you toss the other two healers, tank CDs, exactly how much of this raid damage is avoidable, etc. in it starts to feel hopeless. Especially given the lack of tools we have that aren't necessarily mana-efficient, but rather that don't drain my mana to empty in times of need.

It was fun to be out of mana at the end of a Deadmines boss fight back when I was gearing up and feel accomplished for making it. It's fun to see DPS low but be able to ignore it or toss a RJ their way because you know you're the only one healing and they aren't at any great risk. It's not fun to have to blow through all my mana because we got Magmatron and Electron up at the same time, and then be stuck playing catch-up until we inevitably wipe - essentially due to our healer comp.
#122 Jan 27 2011 at 10:52 PM Rating: Good
I actually prefer raid healing. In a 5 man, if I stuff up, we probably wipe. In a 10 or 25man, you have 2-6 other healers who can pick up the slack, just as you do for them. When I first started our Magmaw attempts, I was trying to heal too much and ended up too low on mana early in the fight. Once I realised that I didn't have to do everything myself and got smarter with my heals (LB, SM/Efflor & WG, RG or HT on clearcasting & with the odd rejuv thrown in), I was actually finding my mana was nearly fully topped up again after an innervate during the spiked phase. This means when the $H!t hits the fan, I can afford to throw around some extra regrowths where needed.

Of course, you are relying on having decent other healers and not having DPS be stupid (easier said than done!).

#123 Jan 28 2011 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Im using vuhdo for heals. Once you adjust it, works like a wonder.

I wanna see Mazra ******** about healing after he tries healing Halfus.
And I`m not even saying he has to have the worst drake combo. The easiest one is hard on heals for the first 5 to 10 wipes already.

"Okay, let me roll LB"
Tanks pulls.
"Oh **** his health is almost gone, wtf, he just pulled, RG + SW and RJ. Ok, ************* Shadow Nova, someone interrupts that. LB to renew, Oh god the other tank activated the drake, TL. keeping 2 tanks up and helping shammy with raid: LB, LB, WG, RG+SW, LB, HT, RG, WG, RG, HT, LB, HT, HT, LB, RG+SW, HT, HT, **** my mana, Innervate, WG, RG+SW, HT, HT..................okay we only have one tank now, I can go dps and Pally and Shammy will keep tank and raid up."

If you get the worst combo, its that but with less effective healing because of stacking Mortal Strike througout the hole fight that takes a lot to fade.
#124 Jan 28 2011 at 11:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Healing setup


Grid's center shows heal/resource bars, incoming heals, dispel-able debuffs, plus all the normal stuff. The 4 dots are HoT trackers.

Top left: RJ
Btm left: RG
Top right: LB
Btm right: WG

Green > 50% duration (apparently not fixed for the new RG...)
Yellow > 50% - 20% duration (30% of LB)
Red < 20% duration (30% of LB)

If I ever need numbers; on the right of my char I can see the remaining duration of any of the HoTs, and the number of stacks of LB. Though in practice I rarely look here, and I'm thinking about how I can redesign this part to be a little less space heavy.

I know (from posting a pic of this previously) a lot of people like having the numbers more upfront so they can see the duration of their HoTs. Personally I've found it a little more distracting. The great thing about the colors is I don't have to read them to get an approximate duration. I can see the colors changing out of the corner of my eye, and stay focused on what's going on in front of me.

Yes I know, it's horrifically unrefined. Smiley: lol

Edited, Jan 28th 2011 1:59pm by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#125 Jan 28 2011 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
I posted some videos on youtube of me healing some 10man bosses. You can see how I use vuhdo there.
This is Halfus:

Yeah, yeah, I`m not your best healer around. I`m a moonkin at heart, I`m just filling a healer spot that we were lacking. Yesterday we killed Maloriak with me dpsing:

And, yeah, I made a lot of mistakes. =p

Edited, Jan 28th 2011 6:25pm by Brisin
#126 Jan 28 2011 at 4:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I like how you don't stand in stuff. Smiley: grin
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
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