Anyone out there still looking at the Shaman forums?
Elemental for me has been a lot of fun. Trying to remember to drop totems close enough to make use of Fire Nova in situations where it won't break CC. Bind Elemental has been very useful in certain situations. I really do miss cleansing totem, but you have to make do with what you have. Hit hasn't been an issue, I miss my old Crit chance, and is Haste really viable as a stat anymore?
Resto has been a bit more difficult. I think I have geared enough to try and start healing instances agian. It is definitely a new learning curve for sure. No more Chain Heal spam and run. Still trying to figure out how they expect Healing Wave to be the go to heal as even when it crits, it's healing for around 10% of a tanks total hps. JC Owl Trinket plus Mana Tide Totem = insane mana regen. Highly recommend famring for it if you can. Any thoughts on what Enchant should be used on weapons now, Hurricane, Heartsong, or Power Torrent?
What has anyone found out about Enhancement?