So I decided to get my hunter moving after a whole expansion doing nothing. Literally. He's been there since the day before WOTLK came out at 60, staring at me.
Anyhow, fast forward to yesterday, I decided I wanted to level him, and decided I didn't really like the idea of having a toon who doesn't max out professions, so I decided to do a lot of LFGs whilst I dumped skinning for Engineering and have been leveling/farming minning (which was stuck at 210) and engineering, from 0.
Thing is, even though a hunter was my first toon, and I was confortable with it back in TBC, my knowledge of hunter is more or less comparable to that of a drunken monkey at this stage. I used to have a nice macro with a kill command in it, but now of course I don't think it's at all the right macro. I've done a little research and have come with a few macros, but my dps in instances wasn't really up to par (even though hunter pew pew is quite "easy"), I'd come up 2nd or 3rd in damage meters.
I know, leveling balance stinks and swings, but anyhow, I'd like to squeeze all the dps I can, if only just for e-peen.
Soooooo, my question (that was a long introduction), to all you hunter pros. Is BM still the recommended specc to level you think? Could you also nicely post a few macros for me to use during my pew pew in instances?
Thanks a lot in advance.
For the record, I moved my hunter to level 63, minning to 278 and engineering to 130 (investing 70g in the process too, but what have you). So not at all bad for just two days after a whole expansion. I'm not even dreaming I'll get him to 80 before Cata, but at least he won't stare at me from 60 like he's done for two years.