Lets face it, we got hit harder than a red headed child in foster care. Arguments about the class being balanced for 85 are bunk as well, since all reports from top end paladins on the Beta at present have stated that at 85 we are pretty turrible as well.
This week we cleared ICC HM 25 (including LK) Yogg 0, Halion Regular (cause he was bugged all to hell), and some ToGC this week. Our holy paladins played around with spell rotations, gemming and reforging.
This is what worked:
1) Don't even look at FOL, remove it from your bars, binds or clique.
2) Spam Divine Light
3) Use Holy Shock on CD
4) IoL procs are one of the few times other than low damage parts of the fight when you should use Holy Light.
5) We stayed gemmed Int for the most part, though Purified Dreadstone (10 int + 10 spirit) for blue gems works.
6) Lost all mail items for plate bonus, reforged with a focus on spirit. I dropped about 100 haste, and about 2-3% crit
I would beacon tank, spam DL. HS and WoG were my tools for topping off spike damage in raid. If splash damage hit the raid LoD would be cast. During low points in damage I would HL the tank to build up Holy Power, but HL made up less than 10% of my healing last night. Seemed sustainable for fights under 6 minutes, but I am also sitting at 6400 gearscore.
Edited, Oct 18th 2010 10:06am by bodhisattva