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Smite is awesome.Follow

#27 Oct 14 2010 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I'm raiding IcC as we speak. Doing Saurfang heroic atm. Findings so far:

Did holy all the way up to Saurfang. Topped meters on all trash, Marrowgar and Gunship. On Lady Deathwhisper I decided to heal the tank in the back to see how well holy tank healing currently works. I was fourth on the healing meters by a ~10% difference, then in the ~50 second long second phase I popped all my AoE stuff and botched myself up to the third place (2% from the number 2 healer and 4% from the number 1 healer) before the fight ended. Holy is downright overpowered right now if played right, though you do actually lose mana fairly quickly.

I'm disc on Saurfang currently, roflolling about Power Word: Barrier. What a sad, sad spell. I put it up on the melee group halfway through the fight, it lasted literally half a second and disappeared. Bye bye 3 minute cooldown. Atonement... I can't work out if it's working, but the new Smite is definitely helping on the beasts, before I get a mark to heal.
#28 Oct 14 2010 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
That's a good Idea. I don't see me using shadow any time soon. I actually was asked to go shadow last night and pouted the whole time (should have just smited, pew, pew), so holy off-spec it is.
#29 Oct 14 2010 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Just did Lana'thel heroic as holy and completely obliterated the meters. You can basically hang in PoH Chakra all fight long as it's bugged - one PoH counts for 5 ticks for State of Mind and instantly gives you back 20 seconds on the Chakra. I kept Sanctuary up under the melee, casually kept using CoH, ProM and PoH and pumped out sick amounts.

Renew Chakra hasn't been of much use yet (in WOTLK style healing, PoH Chakra is always needed as it's faster), but I've dabbled in Heal Chakra which seems decent too. I'm liking this spec more and more, there's SO many bells and jingles to play around with it's obscene. In between your fifteen different healing spells, you get stuff like Lightwell, placeable AoE healing, speed boost and with Cata, Leap of Faith. I reckon it's officially my favourite spec in the game right now.
#30 Oct 14 2010 at 7:30 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts

It is fun.

I have a problem though. I can't seem to connect Holy Word: Chastise to Clique or a macro in any way that will cast it in its other incarnations. IOW, if I have Chakra: Renew on and try to cast HW:C on a friendly target, it tells me invalid target, because it's trying to Chastise when really it should be doing Aspire. Surely I don't have to have four buttons on my toolbars for this spell??
#31 Oct 14 2010 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
You can't even do that, as you only get one button - the three 'changed' spells aren't in your spellbook.

But yeah, at the moment, Holy Word is weird that way. I can't find a good way to track the cooldown on anything but the original Holy Word: Chastise either with PowerAuras. This is something I do suspect to change in the future, though - I can't imagine Blizz just keeping it 'the mess that it is now'.

To be fair though, it would be ridiculously hard even if you could turn it into a mouseover macro, as HW: Sanctuary doesn't require a target, HW: Chastise requires a hostile and the other two both require friendlies.
#32 Oct 14 2010 at 8:42 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
To be fair though, it would be ridiculously hard even if you could turn it into a mouseover macro, as HW: Sanctuary doesn't require a target, HW: Chastise requires a hostile and the other two both require friendlies.

Sanctuary might be hard but the other two should behave like any mouseover. If I mouse over a friendly target but I'm not in the appropriate state for a friendly spell it should just ignore it.

I'm hoping they work something out for it (or some genius figures out a macro) because as of right now I've just got it on my toolbar as is and having to take the extra step to target kind of takes some of the point away from an instant spell.

Although for PVP at least I'd entertain the idea of not taking Revelations at all so I could have the 3 sec disorient available at all times regardless of state. Emmit, what are you doing with that?

But dang, Holy is fun for PVP right now. I forgot what a blast B&S can be in WSG. :D I'm not good at using Chakra yet after an hour of practice, but I found myself using the Renew state a lot in the battlegrounds I did, if for no other reason than it's the only one I can get into without stopping to cast something. At least Renew is useful in that context, but I have a feeling working with Chakra would take me a while to get good at.

And then I remembered that at 85 you could have a Holy build that has both Evangelism and Archangel, and I gotta say, if they don't make Atonement more impressive pretty soon it's not going to take me long to lose my bet with Moz. I'm too old to use a less fun spec just because it makes me different and therefore cooler. The ship on "cool" sailed away from me long ago. ;)
#33 Oct 15 2010 at 4:13 AM Rating: Good
I've been swimming, or levitating, against the tide in that I've been Holy for most of WotLK, and have just now switched to Disc. I've encountered the same problem as teacake, Atonement hasn't been working for 2 days. I'm enjoying Disc even without it, though. I can almost see it as being a bit overpowered when Atonement finally starts working, at least at 80. I realise it might change afterwards. But it's a new and interesting mechanic, and I can't wait until it works properly again.

I've also been playing with Shadow, and all I can say is Holy Word: Batman! It rocks in PvP. I haven't had that much fun playing a shadow priest in PvP since 2006. SWD having no CD when the opponent in under 25% health is pretty imba, the dots tick for more, the reduced CD on PH is very useful. I can now take on most classes in 1v1, and I haven't been able to say that since... Yeah, since vanilla. If you have the opener on someone, just go VT, DP, SWP, Silence, MB, Psychic Horror, SWD, SWD, SWD until the guy drops. I've even beaten Frost Mages in 1v1. Last AB I did, I had 14, that's right *14*, KBs. I almost came in my pants. Thank God I wasn't wearing any.

Shadow also got a slight PvE boost, but it's still not huge amounts of fun in my opinion.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#34 Oct 15 2010 at 6:24 AM Rating: Good
4,074 posts
RedPhoenixxx wrote:
I've been swimming, or levitating, against the tide in that I've been Holy for most of WotLK, and have just now switched to Disc. I've encountered the same problem as teacake, Atonement hasn't been working for 2 days. I'm enjoying Disc even without it, though. I can almost see it as being a bit overpowered when Atonement finally starts working, at least at 80. I realise it might change afterwards. But it's a new and interesting mechanic, and I can't wait until it works properly again.

It IS a new and interesting mechanic and I'm very keen to see it working well, because I have been really, really looking forward to it.

But atonement was "working" for a while last night, and I'm hoping it was still bugged because it really wasn't that impressive. Old Disc was: "You have time for a couple of smites before you have to worry about healing, because yourself/target is shielded." With the apparent intent to have us shielding less, New Disc should be: "You have time for a couple of smites before you have to worry about healing, because the smites themselves will take care of enough of the incoming damage." Except Atonement really isn't enough to give me that breathing room right now. Meanwhile, over here there is New Holy, and it's: "You have time for a couple of smites before you have to worry about healing, because your renew/HoT capability in the chakra state is so danged powerful that having it ticking away is essentially the same as shield was."

As a result, New Holy feels more like Old Disc to me than New Disc does right now. It's not using absorbtion to do it, but then neither is Disc really anymore.
#35 Oct 15 2010 at 7:03 AM Rating: Good
You know... I'm basking in this. The healers across my entire realm are sitting in the shattered wrecks of what they once were, unable to come to terms with their new reality. I go to slaughter myself something in WG or I go to kill me some bosses... and the healers cry, rage or are just dumbstruck by how things are now.

And I laugh. I laugh all the way to the end of the fight, then I laugh some more.

Because I recognize it. I look at the healing meters. I look at the spells cast in combat. I look at my own priest and how it heals the most efficiently, and I almost dance with glee. This... is what it was all about once. Actually doing heals. Your tanks take the damage, the healers heal it after the damage has been done. The beautiful simplicity of it all has returned.

No stacking HoTs and go for a smoke. No yawning while just popping all the AoE heals. No real damage mitigation and so on and so forth...

I love it. I get a downright sensual pleasure from watching it happen all around me, while the healers I know fall to their knees and cry out in despair. The few brave and intelligent ones come sidling up to me, eyes downcast and ask in hushed tones about the stopcasting macros I've been using all this time, along with a few of the other 'old' tricks that were a staple amongst healers a while ago. Them I can see succeeding at transforming to the new ways. The others... well... to them this is heresy, while to some of us... just a few of us... this is a return to what may have been the finest times in this whole game.

Now let's see whether or not Blizz can stand against the cries of the downtrodden masses and remain resolute.

In the mean time... I'm basking.
#36 Oct 15 2010 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
Except Atonement really isn't enough to give me that breathing room right now.

Is that because the healing component isn't enough? Smite usually hits for 4-5k, with 7-8k crits, so the healing should be the same, right? That sounds, in theory, as tough it should be enough to give breathing room. I'll have to try it tonight.

Meanwhile, over here there is New Holy, and it's: "You have time for a couple of smites before you have to worry about healing, because your renew/HoT capability in the chakra state is so danged powerful that having it ticking away is essentially the same as shield was."

Well, the problem with this is that Smiting with a holy spec would lead to a lot of resists, since we're nowhere near being hit capped without the glyph, right? So, smiting with that spec would seem as a bit of a waste, and would certainly not be viable at 85 because of the mana waste this would entail.

I was on reading up EJ last night, and they were saying that the really neat trick of the new Smite/Evangelism is basically about mana regen. That's not a problem at 80, but will apparently be at 85, which is where the mechanics of the new Disc through the Smite/Evangelism should really shine.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#37 Oct 15 2010 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
4,074 posts
RedPhoenixxx wrote:
Is that because the healing component isn't enough? Smite usually hits for 4-5k, with 7-8k crits, so the healing should be the same, right? That sounds, in theory, as tough it should be enough to give breathing room. I'll have to try it tonight.

If the healing happens to the priest herself it's only 50%. Compared to other mechanisms (Renew, Shield), it's pretty crappy. I was testing it out on elites yesterday and the Atonement heals were not nearly enough to keep me doing damage at a reasonable rate. Right now I have the luxury of keeping Weakened Soul on cooldown all the time, and between the two it was fine, but with Shield becoming more of a mana concern down the line, it remains to be seen how practical that strategy will be. Meanwhile I killed the same elite in MUCH less time with the Holy spec.

RedPhoenixxx wrote:

Well, the problem with this is that Smiting with a holy spec would lead to a lot of resists, since we're nowhere near being hit capped without the glyph, right? So, smiting with that spec would seem as a bit of a waste, and would certainly not be viable at 85 because of the mana waste this would entail.

I have the glyph in both specs. I do a lot of PVP. I need offensive capability. Min-maxing raiders won't have room for the glpyh, but Holy raiders have no reason to Smite anyway. Their priorities are different. For me, the coolest thing about absorption healing was that it gave me room to go on the offensive (despite North's apparent conviction that I only liked it because I'm a sloth who just wants to go microwave some Hot Pockets mid-fight ;)). Now Holy is giving me more of that room than Disc is.

RedPhoenixxx wrote:
I was on reading up EJ last night, and they were saying that the really neat trick of the new Smite/Evangelism is basically about mana regen. That's not a problem at 80, but will apparently be at 85, which is where the mechanics of the new Disc through the Smite/Evangelism should really shine.

You can have Evangelism and Archangel in a Holy build at 85. :)

Now I sound like I'm pooing on Disc. I'm not. Right this second, it's just not as fun for me as Holy. But I expect so much changing and tweaking to happen over the next couple of months that I'm not making any predictions for the future based on what's happening right this second.

Edited a st00pid spelling error.

Edited, Oct 15th 2010 10:57am by teacake
#38 Oct 15 2010 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
Now I sound like I'm pooing on Disc. I'm not. Right this second, it's just not as fun for me as Holy.

Ah, I see, it makes sense now. I was talking about raid healing really, not soloing or PvP. But I can see totally see how Holy would more fun for either of those. I use shadow for soloing and PvP; so I'm gonna stick with trying the new Disc spec for raiding and see how that goes.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#39 Oct 15 2010 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
teacake wrote:
(despite North's apparent conviction that I only liked it because I'm a sloth who just wants to go microwave some Hot Pockets mid-fight ;))

Not applicable to all. However, you do realize most of the healers around these days used all these mechanics we've had as a crutch to prop up their skill-less ***** while thinking they know healing, right? There's so many healers around that just can't readjust to what used to be the norm, because the norm required foresight, a few nifty tricks and mana conservation. And this is while mana still isn't much of an issue. Imagine in Cataclysm when it actually becomes something any healer has to think about.

I am going to love it. Every single wipe of it.

It'll mean that the twentyfour people I finally smack down the end-game with will actually have earned their stripes and shown a bit of skill. Gods I can't wait... some of TBC and all of Wrath has been one long yawn after the other. Can you imagine it? Content not being shoved down the throat of all players, but earned through skill?

Well... if it happens. If it doesn't... well, the mouthbreathing masses will enjoy themselves at least, I guess.
#40 Oct 15 2010 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Although for PVP at least I'd entertain the idea of not taking Revelations at all so I could have the 3 sec disorient available at all times regardless of state. Emmit, what are you doing with that?

Yeah, this will definitely become a viable option at 85, and might already be one. I'm just not sure to what extend it'll be good, as I literally haven't a clue what Cata PvP healing is going to be like. I think I can safely say you won't be hanging in PoH Chakra, but then - Renew's Holy Word: Aspire is pretty damn good for PvP. We might get to hang in Heal Chakra too, though I somewhat doubt that, I don't think PvP will slow down *that* much. Either way, I can imagine the real pros will start to look into "/cancelaura Chakra: Renew, /cast Holy Word: Chastise" macros.

But dang, Holy is fun for PVP right now. I forgot what a blast B&S can be in WSG. :D I'm not good at using Chakra yet after an hour of practice, but I found myself using the Renew state a lot in the battlegrounds I did, if for no other reason than it's the only one I can get into without stopping to cast something. At least Renew is useful in that context, but I have a feeling working with Chakra would take me a while to get good at.

To be fair, yeah, right now a healing priests' only option is to use instants and never stop moving. I reckon it might be less worse with the resilience buff coming up, though - we still won't be using Heal and holy will probably still stick to Renew Chakra, but we'll get a little bit of a breather, and disc priests will probably function again as well.

You know... I'm basking in this. The healers across my entire realm are sitting in the shattered wrecks of what they once were, unable to come to terms with their new reality. I go to slaughter myself something in WG or I go to kill me some bosses... and the healers cry, rage or are just dumbstruck by how things are now.

This isn't... completely how I've found it to be, though it definitely works to an extend. Our resident holy paladin pro was whining about him being nerfed yesterday, but to be fair, holydins did get a pretty harsh nerfbat in their face - basically everything they have got nerfed, and what didn't get nerfed isn't completely working correctly. At least in AoE situations, their healing will sink down to dispicable levels. Some of my better healers already finding their way out of it though, even though I think Cata will be a bit of a backlash to them too.

Well, the problem with this is that Smiting with a holy spec would lead to a lot of resists, since we're nowhere near being hit capped without the glyph, right? So, smiting with that spec would seem as a bit of a waste, and would certainly not be viable at 85 because of the mana waste this would entail.

I have the glyph in both specs. I do a lot of PVP. I need offensive capability. Min-maxing raiders won't have room for the glpyh, but Holy raiders have no reason to Smite anyway. Their priorities are different.

To be honest, I don't know. There's a lot to say for Archangel, though I do literally feel completely on the edge of grabbing it as holy atm - I think spec both with and without Archangel could both literally be viable in pretty much every situation. I don't think the min/maxers will completely discard Smite, to be fair, especially not if it can give them mana back. Also keep in mind that glyphs can be changed on the fly now (I went quick Mass Dispel instead of Imp. Holy Nova yesterday so I could keep my holy spec for Blood Princes). On another note, I personally ended up grabbing that glyph of Smite as well - I'm not sure about Cata, but right now it's too much damage to pass up on, and I honestly feel it's just about as good a glyph as all our other choices (with the possible exception of CoH, which is a must, period).

On a last note - I suspect Holy will be nerfed. To what extend, I'm not sure. I can definitely see them fixing the PoH-giving-you-20-seconds-of-Chakra bug, at the least, but I'm also curious about whether they'll simplify the tree right now. Really, I like holy's versatility, but... get this: we have 14 regularly used different healing spells, 4 cooldowns (and an additional 2 mana regeneration cooldown), 4 different attack spells of which 2 have synergy with our healing spells, 3 types of dispels/cleanse (of which one serves two functions) and then 3 utility spells - 4 in Cataclysm. We actively use ALL OF THOSE 27 spells (I'm counting PW:S twice, as heal and as B&S utility) basically on any given fight.

Lets take a freaking Mutilate rogue to put next to that - they use Mutilate, Stealth, Vanish, Garrote, Sprint, Feint, Envenom, Slice & Dice, Rupture, Fan of Knives, Kick, Cloak of Shadows and possibly Recuperate. That's 13 abillities TOPS, and that's including all their cooldowns, utility and all that fancy stuff. Rogues have less abilities they use in combat than we have even just heals, excluding cooldowns, dispels and utility spells.

And then I haven't even begun talking about triage, which plays and will play a HUGE role in what ability you use - a Rogue can react to his environment, use Sprint when he needs to get out of fire, that's it. We can use CoH when there's-global-raid-damage (as part of a CoH-PoH-ProM-HW:Sanc-Renew rotation), or when we quickly-need-to-put-instant-healing-on-someone-who's-near-dead-while-not-in-Heal-Chakra-If-Renew-Chakra's-Aspire-won't-be-enough, or when we just-want-to-top-off-a-group-but-don't-want-to-use-PoH-due-to-mana, or if-we're-out-of-mana-and-need-to-do-the-most-efficient-heal-with-the-1K-mana-we-have, etc. There's literally about eight different situations for every healing spell we have. As it is now, holy priests are probably the most complicated class/spec to ever have existed in the game, really.

@RedPhoenixxx: Streetlight Manifesto? On Allakhazam? Hoozah, have a cookie my friend!
#41 Oct 15 2010 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
@RedPhoenixxx: Streetlight Manifesto? On Allakhazam? Hoozah, have a cookie my friend!

Why thank you. I'm an ex-punk rocker, so any band that does a cover track of NOFX's Linoleum is alright in my book. Also loved their cover of Homegrown's Punk Rock Girl. It's like someone brought back to life all my mid-90s classics. Cool little band, with clearly great taste in music.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#42 Oct 15 2010 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
teacake wrote:
Although for PVP at least I'd entertain the idea of not taking Revelations at all so I could have the 3 sec disorient available at all times regardless of state. Emmit, what are you doing with that?

It’s a neat little interrupt for anyone foolish enough to cast anything but instants. It’s a good filler in your rogue partner’s stunlock rotation or in a CC chain. It’s good cover when you need to get off a cast time spell of your own. I’ve found Chastise --> Mind Control to be very effective against melee, and also useful to run enemy healers out of LoS of their teammates.

Mind Control is far less prone to break with range, by the way. I’ve had much success in WSG from controlling the healer in a flag-running pack and marching them the opposite direction while their flag carrier blithely runs into the midfield meatgrinder.

Note that Chastise does have a facing requirement, so you really must hotkey it so you can mouseturn to nail that rogue behind you.

I haven’t been using any Chakra but Smite in PVP, which is great for helping focus people down. Chakra+trinket+Smite macro --> Mind Blast --> Shadow Word: Pain does a lot of damage in very little time, and then you have twenty more seconds of extra-powerful DPS.

The battlegrounds are still stupidly easy due to folks focusing on new abilities instead of objectives, but I’ve seen enough to be pleased with the outlook. After playing Shadow for a while, I tell myself, “I guess I should go play Holy now, awwww.” Then, after playing Holy a while, I tell myself “I guess I should go play Shadow now, awwwww.” I’m loving the new Priest PVP.

#43 Oct 15 2010 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
On a last note - I suspect Holy will be nerfed.

Based on my limited test of it last night, it would not surprise me at all to see it nerfed. It's completely kickass while all the other healers are complaining.

But that actually shines a big spotlight on why I'm glad I tried it out. I've only become so singularly attached to Disc fairly recently; I loved the Disc hybrid build in BC, I switched to a CoH build when I needed it, and when LK first came out I really played around with both trees. I need to return to that kind of flexibility. It's the best way to keep up with the inevitable fluctations in power over the next several months. Dual spec is there for a reason. I love my priest and have no intention of changing mains when one or the other healing spec becomes sucky for a while. Which will happen to both of them at some point, and probably several times, because it's the nature of the beast.

I guess I won't get that DISC PRST license plate after all.

(No, I wasn't really going to.)

Edit because Emmit posted while I was:

emmitsvenson wrote:
It’s a neat little interrupt for anyone foolish enough to cast anything but instants. It’s a good filler in your rogue partner’s stunlock rotation or in a CC chain. It’s good cover when you need to get off a cast time spell of your own. I’ve found Chastise --> Mind Control to be very effective against melee, and also useful to run enemy healers out of LoS of their teammates.

LOL LOL LOL Chastise -> MC did not occur to me. That is going to be FUN.

The couple of times I've used it it's been to give myself time to heal back up to full, and it's great even for that limited use. I made a rogue run away like a little girl and bring back 2 friends, stalking me across the field, to kill me. Hollow victory for him.

My problem is I've spent so much time in the Renew state that Chastise is actually not quickly available to me very often. Aspire is great, seriously great. But I may respec without Revelations even just for a night or so to play with Chastise more and see whether the flexible Holy Word or constantly having Chastise is more valuable to me.

Edited, Oct 15th 2010 11:52am by teacake
#44 Oct 16 2010 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
Remembering that I am heals, and since smite can heal, I dropped glyph of smite for glyph of holy nova. I can get in an extra 4 holy nova in 15 sec with it. It's situational, but combined with power infusion in a macro, very fun.

I also found that without taking time to use archangel, you can still deplete your mana, so for fun I took Veiled Shadows to decrease my shadowfiend cooldown by 2 minutes and maxed Mental Agility.

I'm having fun experimenting.
#45 Oct 16 2010 at 8:12 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Atonement seemed to be doing more for me tonight than it was the other night. Disc is fun too now.

My verdict is, both are fun, both are worth playing with, so I'll be goofing around with both for a while.
#46 Oct 18 2010 at 5:18 AM Rating: Good
Healing heroic PoS was difficult last night. Perhaps it was that everybody else was on alts, doing sub 2k dps, or maybe it's me.

What worked good in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, was to have a relatively new healing druid main heal and I did dps smiting, contributing to the healing. It was interesting at the end, where I was saying on vent that I was having a hard time killing his healer, and he was having a hard time killing me.

I have to believe that going forward, running randoms isn't going to be quite the cakewalk it once was. I will be giving my holy offspec a try to see how that goes.
#47 Oct 19 2010 at 2:51 AM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
Atonement seemed to be doing more for me tonight than it was the other night. Disc is fun too now.

My verdict is, both are fun, both are worth playing with, so I'll be goofing around with both for a while.

I've been doing a bit of raiding with both specs, and I'm gonna have to swallow my previous words, teacake. Holy is just... fun. So many options, so many toys to play with. And so much healing output. It's just ridiculous. Mana conservation is a bit trickier than on Disc, which might prove problematic at 85, but for now... I'm just having a blast. It's the perfect healing spec, as there is a spell for pretty much every situation and encounter...

So yeah I'm sticking to Holy/Shadow until 85, at least.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#48 Oct 20 2010 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
The only problem with Holy, really, is mana regen. I find myself running out of mana in some raid fights. There are ways around it at 80, like reducing the SF cooldown, using SPI, etc, but it's still a bit tight. If we get Archangel at 85, then i guess that would mitigate the problem somewhat. Moz?

I also find myself constantly casting a shield on myself, simply for the speed boost. I log on to wow, I cast a shield. I run around until sprint wears off, and then cast another shield. Then decide what I'm gonna do. And then I cast another shield.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#49 Oct 20 2010 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I know what you mean, but to be fair, it balances out nicely after a specific point. If you literally go all out on all your stuff and hang on PoH Chakra, you can pump out sick amounts of HPS, but you will run OOM. The thing is, you'll only run OOM after about 5 minutes. With most fights lasting 5 minutes, you can keep your HPS up the entire fight and go nuts on the meters - it's really only past that that you have to worry about this.

This really is demonstrated mostly by comparing the Festergut fight to the Lich King fight - in the first I top the meters rather obviously and end the fight without any mana. In the latter, I run OOM once the second phase starts, with all my cooldowns used. The way I've been dealing with it is to just do what seems obvious - hold back on healing. If you just keep CoH, ProM and HW:Sanc on cooldown with one PoH per 20 seconds to keep the Chakra up, you're still pumping out a decent amount of healing but will no longer run OOM. In my last LK kill, it ended up balancing itself out perfectly, with me having pretty much exactly the healing done as our resident healadin.

The Archangel thing does seem to be true, though - currently I just run OOM rather fast and when I do, I just stand there doing nothing. Archangel might end up being a requirement for holy just to avoid getting in this situation. As it's so up high in the disc tree though, who knows what will happen.
#50 Oct 20 2010 at 3:56 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
RedPhoenixxx wrote:
I also find myself constantly casting a shield on myself, simply for the speed boost. I log on to wow, I cast a shield. I run around until sprint wears off, and then cast another shield. Then decide what I'm gonna do. And then I cast another shield.

You are not alone.
#51 Oct 20 2010 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Nope, you're definitely not.

I used to play rogue, though - between two sprints and a rocket boots, I am still used to utilizing non-mount speed boosts to get around in cities. Holy is the spec I currently spend my city/traveling/grinding-time in, for the larger part due to B&S.
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