Hoping for some feedback on what others think.
2 situational AOE heals with long CD's make us **** poor raid healing. The holy paladin community on cata are claiming that the reduction to efficiency at tank healing has not been offset by the type of raid healing we are given.
Seems that despite additional spells we are going to be spamming HS and WoG.
Divine Plea is a troublesome talent and has been nerfed hard. Currently we lack a viable mana regen source compared to other healers. Mana Tide + Waters Shield, Innervate or Shadowfiend etc are pulling back mana respectably. The 50% debuff on healing while DP up is a significantly larger hit with Cata model healing than it is in WotLK.
BG and Arenas we are very hard to kill, but are entirely incapable of keeping anyone alive from a focus fire.