For PvE? I doubt it. I mean, I'm not entirely sure what numbers you're basing this off of, backstab just got a buff if I recall, but they're all up in the air still and I'm sure they intend to make it work. I don't see why 27.5 energy backstabs would see so bad, though. It's great cp per e, and it's not like sub has crazy BS modifiers (25% bs + 10% sang vein vs 15% physical damage from assass) so the base damage will haev to be high, now that sub is a bit less finisher spammy.
The thing is though, I doubt one Backstab is more damage than one mutilate for Assa. Which means that even if a BS is 90% the damage of a Muti, you'd still need those two BS's to make up for the damage lost and actually achieve something with that higher damage-per-energy. Problem is, you'd need two GCD's instead of one to make the 'rotation' work (and needing more GCD's is always a bad thing), and you'd have to spent two talent points to even get this 'upgrade'. That doesn't even come close to even a flat out -7% damage bonus, let alone some other talent that actually increases your DPS by @#%^tons.
Edit: Continueing my train of thought, I reckon the talent could work if Backstab simply did more damage than Mutilate in an assassination spec, but people choose to use Mutilate because of the extra combo point. Point is, if this would be true, I'd consider the spec somewhat broken rather than considering a talent like Murderous Intent.
Edited, Oct 2nd 2010 4:54pm by Mozared