Wait, I may be confused by what you meant Billy. You said that the Int buff might be unbalanced (which it certainly is). But you also said the mana pool change is how it would likely end up and seem to suggest it would be really powerful? And, with the possible exception of Priests, I doubt the mana buff would be OP at all, which is what is making me confused about what you meant.
What I'm saying is that for the majority of mage races, while it seems unbalanced (which it will be come Cataclysm), when you look at what the others bring to the table, at least for an individual perspective, it balances out one way or another. That's why I brought up the spirit buff with Humans, since there's an Arcane talent (I believe...) that will apply 100% of your spirit to your hit rating. Not to mention if you're in a group with a Draino, that's just going to be that much less hit that they need to worry about, and they'll be able to focus on other things.
As far as the spellpower is concerned, I'm not sure how they're going to work that in. I doubt they're going to do something like take your current spellpower and apply it straight towards intellect, with the two working together in a nice little synergy (This is for when the game comes out), since that would make the current batch of level 80 mages with any decent (T9[10]) gear insanely strong (as it would for all casters).
I just think that it's basically a non issue so long as you aren't a Dwarf, Night Elf, or Undead come the expansion. Every other race that isn't mentioned or Tauren is going to have some pretty good incentive for playing a mage, if you're going on number crunching.
They still have a lot of time to tweak it, and to be honest, I'd like to see something from Blizzard on the exact way that Intellect is going to affect spell power, not just saying "Oh it will affect it?" How? What's the formula that will be used for this. That would give us, as mages, some very good evidence to point at Gnomes and show that they have a frightening advantage over all other races in that department, and that any mage that wants to focus on being absolute top tier DPS should be no other race EXCEPT a Gnome.
Then there's the PvP side of it, which can be game altering. Instead of teams made up of Rogue, Priest, and Mage, you'll see Rogue, (Gnome) Priest and (Gnome) Mage.
If it's not fixed, then yes, it's going to lead to some major balance issues and give the Alliance a disgusting advantage over the Horde in PvP, at least when it comes to damage from clothies, which are in their very nature glass cannons to begin with.
The numbers I've heard as far as raw stats (Health, Mana) are surreal for level 85s, and that 5% buff will be game breaking.
Chances are though they're going to fix it.