Are you new new, like New to WoW? or just to Warrior?
Do you have an 80 already?
I ask because if you can, get the BoA chest, shoulders (I like the ones from WG. . . more stam), and the 1h Mace (it is better for tanking imo).
You can find my spec
here. I've pretty much leveled up via the Dungeon Tool (I'm still under 200 quest complete).
I marched down the Prot tree to get Shockwave, and then finished what I figured I needed before I started placing points in other trees.
Rotation...there really isn't one. More of a what is needed when.
If it is one on one (you tanking vs 1 mob), you will usually use your long cool down attacks (mocking blow, heroic strike, etc.).
If it is groups you do AE attacks. Thunder stomp, Cleave, Revenge, you also get a long cool down Shout, and later Shockwave.
Activate name plates over the mobs head (V button) can make it easier to target stuff, and always keep an out on the mobs. If one turns away from you, good chance is you lost aggro (good time to use taunt :p).