Ok, I'll start off with your spec.
It should be 18/51/2: http://www.wowarmory.com/talent-calc.xml?cid=1&tal=3022030023300000000000000000000305053000500310053120501351200000000000000000000000000
Next, you have WAY too much hit. You've got 524. You need 163. While hit isn't useless after 163, it isn't as beneficial as ArP, Crit, or STR. You've also got 5 more expertise than you need. I would replace your hit trinket with really any trinket. The ArP one from ToC 5, the Emblem of Heroism one, and Herkuml War Token are all probably better, but getting Death's Choice from ToC 25, NES from H Forge of Souls, or Whispering Fanged Skull from ICC 10 would be great.
Also, the +AGI frost badge cloak and the +AGI frost badge belt are both better than what you have, especially because your hit/exp is so high.
Your meta gem should be Relentless Earthsiege Diamond (+21 AGI, +3% CRIT DMG). That way, instead of having all the +STAM gems you have, you can socket in one Nightmare Tear to meet your meta gem requirement.
tl;dr- Free up some hit and expertise, change meta gem, change spec slightly.