Dilbrt wrote:
Mazra what you're looking for is legendaries for casual players, which would take away all the... well legendary feeling of legendaries. It's bad enough that they had legendaries that just dropped outright... In addition, legendaries are better than nearly everything you get from raiding (heroic LK weapon MIGHT be better). A battered hilt that gave you a legendary would mean a quest item that gave you something better than you could get in raiding, making a TON of gear in raiding just pointless. Everyone would just go for the quest item and never bother with raid loot.
If you made the legendary worse than the items you get from raiding, it would be a pretty lame legendary.
Personally I hope they never do that.
I'm not talking about a 4-step quest line that will give John '1 hour a day' Doe a legendary item within a week of expansion launch. I'm not asking for another Battered Hilt either.
Look at the current Shadowmourne quest. The most difficult part, in terms of skill, is where you have to kill the various bosses with some specific requirements, right? And that's team effort, really. Other than that, it's basically just a gold farm and kill farm, something you don't really need a guild for.
So, what I'm asking for is something that requires just as much work as the raid group version, but is doable without 24 people wanting this thing for you. They could even hold back on this quest line until the raiders start getting theres, to prevent much QQ and butthurting.
I really don't see why us "casuals" (I'm willing to discuss the difference between casuals and non-raiders, but that's not really on topic here) shouldn't have a shot at something legendary, as long as we go through the pain of getting it. Perhaps some dailies or weeklies to do, including farming specific 5-man dungeons (heroics or normals), soloing stuff and whatnot. Basically, instead of killing three raid bosses, we have to kill three dungeon or world bosses that exist in 1-man instances (should be pretty easy to fix with their new phasing technique). The saronite, kills and shards farm is then replaced with similar, but soloable, versions, modified to require equal amounts of time, and voila.
From where I'm sitting, your post seems pretty defensive, almost like you're saying "No, I just went through hell to get mine and I don't want some random dude getting his without going through hell as well", which I understand. It's not what I'm asking for, though.