Brand new 80 DK. Soloed all the way and now run into a bit of a quandary.
Build is Blood 59/8/4 if you don't want to follow the link.
Gearscore in the best tanking stuff I could craft (440BS) is only about 2.8k and I was plain scared to try tanking in that. So I used my titansteel on the Spiked helm and boots instead and made a set of Savage Saronite. GS is just 3k but I figured I could queue and run as DPS and build up some emblems to improve it.
The trouble is I'm only doing about 1.4k in heroics. I can do 1.6 on a L80 dummy but it seems pathetic compared to my hunter. And the difference is that the DK seems to kill things very fast. Much quicker than the hunter ever did. I updated Recount hoping it was a bug - it wasn't. I'm now too embarrassed to do heroics at all until I can figure out how to do better.
I'm using a Titansteel Destroyer and 2H Mace skill is maxed. Hit is at 173 so maybe I miss a bit on bosses but it shouldn't be that much.
Typical cast sequence is IT,PS, HS,HS after that it kind of depends on the fight. Pestilence for multiple targets, DS if it helps, RS if its up, DC if it is off cooldown. Keep the diseases up and keep thwacking.
The FAQ here is a bit out of date so I'm not really sure what I need to do to improve. Suggestions gratefully received