Eversince WotLK came out I have spec'd to Surv knowing it's the spec for raiding, but more and more I have been seeing hunters in raids w/ MM spec, I know having a MM in raid is good for the TSA but lately I dont see any Surv hunters at all. Did I miss something?
I have been using the analyzer to maximize my dps and I am using my 4 piece bonus even though I have a few pieces of gear that are better because it tells me I have better dps w/ the bonus but one thing I'm having trouble with is getting my hit up. I find myself having to gem for hit. When I look at other hunters in game or at the armory I see that they seem to be what I consider below hit cap.(263)they have anywhere from 220 to 255. Should I be worried about hit cap or does stacking my agility out weigh getting to hit cap?