I should know this, but I've been messing around with a Tank/DPS Spec and testing what I'll call my "Old Naxx Spec" which included the Tier 1 Seals of the Pure and Divinity. (Theory was our MT Paly healer + Me with Divinity = Nice healing buff....)
My DPS Spec includes the standard "Heroic" build wich picks up Seal of Command. I can't, however, think that SoC is used in a MT situation in raids because I would guess that over a longer period of time Seal of Vengence would out pace it on a single target. (Also, the heroic build uses Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous in place of Glyph of Vengence due to the extra hammer and added DPS. *If you haven't tried this by the way - give it a shot...)
So, after about 2 weeks of messing around, I realize that I don't actually know what the current Cookie Cutter spec is for a MT Paly. Can anyone help?