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Unholy is now FotMFollow

#1 Mar 18 2010 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
and I am starting to try a blood DPS spec now and just don't like it as much. Using a GoD based spec, the rotation is awkward compared to my no-Reaping Unholy spec. I my switch to a GoDD based spec so the rotation is closer with relation to how my key setup was for Unholy.

I just don't know where to put IT/PS with blood where I barely have to use them but want them easily accessible. I have them on a IT/PS castsequence as that is how it works when Pest reset diseases. I think I just need some dummy time to figure it out.

Maybe they can go on 5. Bah.

Just a post about learning new specs to be more versatile. I would do a frost off spec but lack the weapons to make it work.

So blood spec is my only choice as I did a 25 man someraid and like all the DKs where unholy. I like bringing a different buff to the table if I can and if frost isn't a real option I will learn Blood.

At least the worms look cool, but I miss my ghoul all ready. :(

I hope the little guy is ok.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#2 Mar 18 2010 at 6:03 AM Rating: Good
202 posts

I'm in a similar situation. I am still trying to max my DPS as a mostly heroic and ocasional VoA/Weekly raider. I have been in an unholy spec without reaping for a while now and I feel like I should be doing more DPS. I normally average close to 4k in a heroic pug and on the VoA bosses.

I tried a frost DPS spec using 2h weapon and that didn't work out so great, as my DPS dropped down a bit to 2800 or so. Granted, I'm not extremely familiar with frost DPS and as you said, maybe I just needed some more practice with the dummy or give it some more time. As others stated, it has alot to do with monitoring your procs which I have a hard time doing. I just recently downloaded a few addons to try to help monitor disease timers and procs better, but I've had no luck configuring the proc monitoring addons. I did however, like the one called "ellipses" for showing our disease timers.

I haven't tried blood yet since I read that it is more gear dependent and you should have a pretty high ArP rating if you're doing Blood.

I also found it very odd without my trusty ghoul by my side :) <3 Eyeface
#3 Mar 18 2010 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
After having the "monitoring procs" problem, I was suggested Power Auras.

Takes a little tweaking to configure but it's working for me nicely (especially when tanking), and is useful as needed for my other non-dk toons.
#4 Mar 18 2010 at 9:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Unholy is the only spec whose buffs are not completely negated by an ehancement shaman. Even if you have 5 unholy DKs you will get no raid benefit from having another spec if you have an enh shaman. IMO it is more important to do better dps than raid buffs.
#5 Mar 19 2010 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Unholy is the only spec whose buffs are not completely negated by an ehancement shaman. Even if you have 5 unholy DKs you will get no raid benefit from having another spec if you have an enh shaman. IMO it is more important to do better dps than raid buffs.

Wait, I'm REALLY confused...

You think it would be better to have a raid that has 5 Blood DKs instead of 4/1 Unholy DK? A single EBP disease is a HUGE DpS buff for Shadow Priests, and a very sizable one for other DKs.

Not to mention the fact that EBP is the most easily placed +magic damage debuff in the game, in the sense that it does not sacrifice our rotation at all on a boss and is spread with just one cast to any other targets around.

Or are you saying that BECAUSE you can have a MM Hunter and Enh shaman in the group provide the other buffs, that Unholy is the smart spec decision for at least one Shaman?

I just have no clue where you are going with this--I feel like you contradicted yourself in one short post. Which makes me think I'm misreading it.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#6 Mar 20 2010 at 1:04 AM Rating: Good
33 posts
He says that having 5 Unholy DKs as long as you have an enhancement shaman is better, as the only Blood DK raid buff (+10% AP) is also supplied by an Enhance shaman or MM Hunter. As for hysteria, while it is amazing, if the Blood DK as dps does not use it on themself, their DPS goes down significantly, or that is how it has been in my experience as blood. However, if you're just doing a random heroic, Blood is far superior to Unholy IMO because Blood has better burst damage where as Unholy is pretty much purely sustained damage.
#7 Mar 20 2010 at 1:58 AM Rating: Good
I am saying that if you have an enhancement shaman, there is no point to being any other spec, when you're talking buffs. To be specific, no point to abomination's might when there's shamanistic rage or trueshot aura. Now before the ZOMG I LIKE ____ crowd flames me, I actually enjoy blood more, but when I do less dps and provide no raid buffs, there is no reason to be anything other than unholy right now.
#8 Mar 20 2010 at 4:55 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Dilbert is correct with regards to buffs and enhancement shammies.

But for 10 mans it is not always the case. As MM doesn't grab TSA all the time as for an optimal spec they expect Blood or Enhance to get it as they can with no DPS loss.

The haste thing is the same idea as frost brings it but so does enhance.

Unholy's buff is the best way to bring it as it comes at no DPS loss to the DK which is not the case for the other folks that can.

I forget where I was going with this.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#9 Mar 20 2010 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
I am saying that if you have an enhancement shaman, there is no point to being any other spec, when you're talking buffs. To be specific, no point to abomination's might when there's shamanistic rage or trueshot aura. Now before the ZOMG I LIKE ____ crowd flames me, I actually enjoy blood more, but when I do less dps and provide no raid buffs, there is no reason to be anything other than unholy right now.

I agree with that notion. I've gone into many a raid (or 5-man) feeling a little selfish for even having the raid wide 20% melee haste buff. Also, the T9 4-piece bonus just seems built for Unholy, to be honest. It's nice that my Blood Plague crits, but it would be nicer with Wandering Plague and Ebon Plaguebringer. Even AOE situations seems like Unholy's forte now, due to Wandering Plague.

I'm just too happy with my Frost build to give it up. I much prefer dual-wield over two-handers, and I love the crowd control I get from Hungering Cold (yes, I went with Hungering Cold in my DPS build - shame on me). Not to mention Lichborne now that I don't have Every Man for Himself or w/e the human racial is called. And throwing down a Howling Blast on 10 mobs when Killing Machine comes up is just smexy. Burst is my flavor.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#10 Mar 20 2010 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Okay, so I was reading it wrong. Thanks for clearing that up. And I agree, Unholy is definitely the spec I'd choose to DpS.

Blood is blah to me. The most interesting part, imo, is the cleave on Heart Strike, which can make group combat interesting. But it's just too straight-forward on bosses.

Not that Unholy is MUCH better. Frost is the only one with real variability. But the rotation is at least more complex as Unholy (even if only slightly). And I only mean that in the sense that, if you could create bots to do your rotation, it would be easier to program Blood's single-target rotation than Unholy's.

Of course, I don't want to say Blood is simple. Please don't read that. It has its nuances just like every spec.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#11 Mar 20 2010 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
Horsemouth wrote:
I would do a frost off spec but lack the weapons to make it work.

2 Nighttimes are good starters. I use them, it drops off the 1st boss in H.FoS.

I wish I had the gear for Unholy. I can push 5 to 5.5k DPS when in 10/25 mans (as Frost), and 3-4k in Randoms (but I don't care or try in randoms, I only run 1 each day for frost emblem). But as Unholy I can barley get 3k. The rotation seems easier then Frost, yet I either can't do it right or my gear is lacking.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#12 Mar 20 2010 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Sandinmygum wrote:
Horsemouth wrote:
I would do a frost off spec but lack the weapons to make it work.

2 Nighttimes are good starters. I use them, it drops off the 1st boss in H.FoS.

Or dual Black Icicles if you're into maces and +hit. Drop after the gauntlet in Heroic Halls of Reflection, which makes them a pain to farm for compared to Nighttimes, but each gives 20+ hit rating, so unless you're already over cap, it's very niiiice.

Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#13 Mar 21 2010 at 1:26 AM Rating: Good
33 posts
Well, if you're only pulling about 3k in heroic with unholy that is actually somewhat understandable, because like I said, it is pretty much all sustained, which is why I prefer blood for heroics xD. I pull a little over 8k in a raid on a very low movement fight (about 7k on one like Rotface), but I have trouble breaking 4-5k as unholy in a heroic because the fights are so much faster.
#14 Mar 21 2010 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
kisherprice, how come your Armory links are broken? Can't find anyone from Firetree named Desknight or Prothing.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#15 Mar 21 2010 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:
Sandinmygum wrote:
Horsemouth wrote:
I would do a frost off spec but lack the weapons to make it work.

2 Nighttimes are good starters. I use them, it drops off the 1st boss in H.FoS.

Or dual Black Icicles if you're into maces and +hit. Drop after the gauntlet in Heroic Halls of Reflection, which makes them a pain to farm for compared to Nighttimes, but each gives 20+ hit rating, so unless you're already over cap, it's very niiiice.


Yea I'm over 8% hit. And I have the maces too. I had a talk with 2 other DKs in my guild and they both suggested the Nighttimes due to me being over hit and they have Haste.

And I have no idea what I'd do in a raid w/ Unholy. So if 3k is ok in Heroics, maybe I should give it a shot. I just don't want to look really bad when all I had to do was stay in the spec I know more about lol.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#16 Mar 21 2010 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
33 posts
Oh, sorry Maz xD I switched to Lothar awhile ago and completely forgot to change my armory link. I should probably swap those now lol

As for your situation Sand, just play whatever you have the most fun with :) Frost dps may not be quite as competitive as Unholy or Blood, but it is by no means bad!

Edited, Mar 21st 2010 2:13pm by kisherprice
#17 Mar 22 2010 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
202 posts
Well all I can say is that I'm glad a read this thread. I was feeling like a complete noob when I'm only pulling 3.7-4k dps on average in heroic randoms lol. I'm unholy spec also I actually really love the versatility and style of it. I'd be up for doing a different spec if it meant more DPS in the random heroics and raids, but honestly after playing unholy for so long, I feel so out of sorts when I respec, it's ridiculous.

I've been trying to gather up 1h weapons as mentioned, like Black Icicle and Nighttimes.. I have one of each now, and the Lucky Old Sun. So if I can get another Black Icicle or Nighttime, I may try to do something with a DW frost spec again.

I had some difficulties with Power Auras, but will work on it some more.
#18 Mar 23 2010 at 9:57 AM Rating: Good
Wiretwister wrote:

I've been trying to gather up 1h weapons as mentioned, like Black Icicle and Nighttimes.. I have one of each now, and the Lucky Old Sun. So if I can get another Black Icicle or Nighttime, I may try to do something with a DW frost spec again.

You can use these 2 until you get one (or another of both) of the other. I dual wielded these 2 for awhile too.
If you want to try Frost DK as a Tank, I would use Lucky Old Sun or the Sword (Saurafang's (sp) Tooth?) that can drop off the last boss in H.PoS. The 2 themselves are too fast (as I'm told slower is better, but the stats on both w/ STR is nice) for DPS, but should be good for Tanking.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#19 Apr 03 2010 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
Maybe I've missed this from previous posts, but what is the current preferred priority for Unholy DK's? I saw Dilbrt's postings from 11/08, but was wondering if that is still the preferred ordering. My noob 80 is thinking about a switch from Blood (which I levelled with) to Unholy.
#20 Apr 04 2010 at 4:16 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Chichikov wrote:
Maybe I've missed this from previous posts, but what is the current preferred priority for Unholy DK's? I saw Dilbrt's postings from 11/08, but was wondering if that is still the preferred ordering. My noob 80 is thinking about a switch from Blood (which I levelled with) to Unholy.

Depends on your gear level but I would guess 17/0/54 without Reaping.

I just got my 2T10 so have switched to the spec with Reaping.

If I get a fancy proc weapon I will go for a Frost sub spec.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#21 Apr 06 2010 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
Just chiming in with my own opinion here.

My DK is frost dps spec and it is fun as Hell. Horsemouth, if you're looking for something different, go get the weapons for it and try it out. I chose a basic cookie cutter talent point distribution of 0/53/18 and I've never looked back. My dual spec is unholy but I haven't switched in a long time. It's great both single target and AOE and an all around fun spec to play. Plus it's fairly simple and straightforward. Spread diseases, fill up your runic power with Obliterate and Blood Strike then dump it all with Frost Strike while adding a generous helping of Howling Blast on fights with two or more targets.

Plus it's not often a spec you see on a DK that's dpsing so it's nice to bring something a little more unique to the table. To Hell with "flavor of the month" specs, do what you find is fun. For me, that's frost dps.
#22 Apr 06 2010 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I (depressingly) almost never see Unholy DKs. They are all Blood or Frost (favorite recently was the 71 pt Blood one...).

It's so sad because my Mage would ADORE if all the mobs in packs were getting the +SD debuff.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#23 Apr 06 2010 at 6:49 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
While I know that Unholy Death Knights bring more to the table, at least if a Shaman isn't present or the group is magic heavy, but I have a Shaman and I'm really tired of being the "amp-up guy". I'm increasing people's output and in return, get bumped from the top. Selfish thinking, I know, but often the others don't look at it the other way around, and start bashing me for doing low DPS in return. I just amped up your DPS by 13%, or whatever, while you gave me an intellect buff, and you're bashing me?!

Author's note: the above is not a lash-out towards Mages alone. My Elemental Shaman gets nothing from Arms Warriors, but they get 16% swing speed. They still like to taunt me about being second DPS, though. Bastards. Hate them. Seriously.

Edited, Apr 7th 2010 2:52am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#24 Apr 06 2010 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I'm confused. Is this about the class as a whole or Unholy specifically? Because you shouldn't be experiencing low DpS with the spec.

I actually like buffing the party, because it let's me feel like part of their DpS is mine. XD

But yeah, I'd be pissy if people were mocking my DpS. Luckily my only DpS toon is a Mage, so I am rarely out-DpSed and thus never get mocked. :P
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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