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Too much hit??Follow

#1 Mar 08 2010 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
181 posts

Let me start this off by confessing that I'm not so swuft at that thar number crunchin'. On to my question:

I have been trying to gear up via Heroics on my DK. I've tried to only geat gear that is specifically for my spec (dps) and when I gem or enchant it's for str or ap (mainly str when possible). Without doing any stacking at all, I have somehow ended up at almost 11% hit. I was told that 8% is cap. This being the case, without ditching my gear is there a way to lower your hit rating? The gear I have is a 3/5 T9 as well as some nifty pants that I got from my very first 25 man raid ever (holy CRAP it was mind boggling), mostly gear from ToC/PoS/HoL for the rest. I don't want to post my armory link because people will point, laugh and make me cry. (plus I cant from work)

As a kinda follow up, what exactly is the effect of having too much hit?

Bryllphon of Anvilmar, He Who Has Hit
#2 Mar 08 2010 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
Too much hit just equates to item budget wasted. Read up on how the combat table and attack rolls work and you'll understand why.

That said, over 8% isn't completely wasted, as you're contributing to your spellhit quota until the 17% mark (spellhit being used for things like IT and DC I believe, though I'm not entirely sure; I know EJ theorycrafters still gives the stat value over 8%, and that's the only logical reason I can think of).

Edited, Mar 8th 2010 9:48am by Norellicus
#3 Mar 08 2010 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
98 posts
Bryllphon's Armory

I wouldn't worry about how far over the hit cap you are at this time. You're sitting at 330, while the "recommended" amount is 263. The reason I say that is it is very difficult to exactly hit that number. Now, you are in a very transitional gear phase right now so you will be switching out a number of pieces for upgrades which may or may not have hit on them.

The best advice I could give would be to evaluate after every upgrade to see what you need to do. If, for example, you pick up your t9 helm and manage to get Pladed Greaves of Providence, you'd be trading 107 hit rating for some dps upgrades.

As it sits right now, you are using a mix of tank and dps gear. I'd recommend swapping out the tanking items for dps as soon as you are able. You should see a decent dps increase.
#4 Mar 08 2010 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
There is a neck in normal PoS that despite being a downgrade in item level it has no hit and alot less stamina so is an overall dps increase. Im sitting at 11% on my DK as well, he only needs 5% for frost spec, although extra isnt wasted.
#5 Mar 08 2010 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
My recommendations: (if you don't like it, ignore me)

1.) Get the crafted boots. Spend your frost badges on saronite and get the ICC crafted boots. Since you're a miner, the rest of the mats should be free or near free. Plus with the fact that you'll be getting saronite from badges, the boots should be completely free.

2.) Finish getting your tier 9 by getting the helm. Technically if you want to be the best in slot for tier 9 stuff, you want the ToC crafted chest piece (you can get the orbs with normal badges) and the rest of the tier 9. That means dropping the hit from your helm and legs.

3.) Get actual dps gear. You're half dps half tank, I'd be surprised if you could break 3k dps in your setup. Never take tanking gear to dps with just because it has strength on it and it is purple. I'd rather you use a dps blue than a tanking purple for dps.

4.) Quit gemming for stamina as a dps. Gem strength, strength and more strength. The ONLY time you gem anything else is to either A.) meet your meta (one +10 stats gem, 1 +10str/15stam gem) or B.) if the socket is yellow and has a strength socket bonus (where you put str/crit).

5.) Drop the icewalker to boots if you can. Attack power is way more dps, and you only need icewalker if you're short on hit, and you're way over it.

6.) Change your heart strike glyph for dancing rune weapon. Heart strike is a PvP glyph. If you try to pvp and pve in the same gear/spec/glyphs you will fail at both. Jack of all trades and terrible at all of them.

I cringed... literally cringed when I clicked your unholy spec and looked at your talent and glyph choices for unholy.

You have many more problems than simply too much hit. You haven't learned how to play your death knight yet.
#6 Mar 08 2010 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
181 posts
Thanks SO much, that was the exact kind of information that I was looking for, minus all the big numbers. :) As for the unholy spec and the glyphs, that spec actually hasn't been used in awhile, it was before I grokked the goodness of reading a little. As for the rest, the one question that constantaly confuses me is how to tell if something is tanking gear if it doesn't have +def (my usual criteria)? As for the rest, when I get home I'll be looking into the items you talked about, I have a WHOLE lot of mats in my bank alt from mining because I was just gonna stockpile and blitz my JC training. (hence the 200 JC). Will make some alterations later tonight. Thanks again!

Bryllphon of Anivilmar - He Who Needs Spec Identity
#7 Mar 08 2010 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
Tank gear you have:

Cloak (dodge and expertise)
Bracers (defense and parry)
Ring1 (dodge)
Ring2 (dodge, parry, and expertise)

Tanking stats are dodge, parry, defense, shield block, armor value in green (i.e. improved armor), and items with pure stamina and nothing else. If an item has any of those, you want to avoid it for your dps set. If you want to get them for a possible tanking set, that's fine, but do not use them for dps.
#8 Mar 08 2010 at 10:09 PM Rating: Good
181 posts
Ok, lemme ask you this, from what I have read, it seems that I am to concern myself none at all with defense rating? I mean insofar as gemming or enchanting? Also, from what I've read on the most currently updated thread on EJ as well as what you said above, my number one stat to stack for is Str. If I understand correctly (again, lotsa numbers and stuff) Str is better than AP because Str will grant AP. Also, is there a limit or a cap on what my ArP should be? Again I appreciate the info.

Edited, Mar 8th 2010 10:48pm by Grigoryrasputin
#9 Mar 08 2010 at 11:01 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Ok, lemme ask you this, from what I have read, it seems that I am to concern myself none at all with defense rating? I mean insofar as gemming or enchanting?

It depends. The thing with defense rating is that it lowers the chance that you get a critical hit on you. In heroics and raids, getting crit can one-shot you - which is why a proper tank will be crit immune before going in there. Which basically means that you will need to achieve that level (which is 535 defense SKILL for heroics and 540 for raids [=about 690 defense RATING]) before specifically focusing on any other stat. As long as you are not immune to crits, as a rule of thumb, you can avoid all other tank stats in favour of defense rating - which means that you might want to go for a +def enchant to reach that point. Once you reach the point where you have so much passive defense rating on your gear that you are crit-immune, without enchants or buffs, you'll want to forego all +def enchants you might have to get stamina, dodge and parry rating, or what-have-you.

Keep in mind that ALL of the above information only goes if you want to TANK. Like Dilbrt pointed out, none of this works for a DPS Death Knight. In fact, DPS Death Knights want to forego defense, parry and dodge rating completely and focus on completely other stats instead (like, for example, armor penetration). If an item has defense, parry or dodge rating on it, again as a rule of thumb, you will NOT want to use it if you are DPSing. If you want to swap between tanking and DPSing, you will need two different sets of gear to do it effectively (and probably two different specs too).

Also, from what I've read on the most currently updated thread on EJ, my number one stat to stack for is Str. If I understand correctly (again, lotsa numbers and stuff) Str is better than AP because Str will grant AP. Also, is there a limit or a cap on what my ArP should be? Again I appreciate the info.

The cap on armor penetration is technically 100%, though the problem is that armor cannot be reduced below a set amount (around 3200, I believe) AT ALL. Which means that once you reach, say, 70% armor penetration, there is little use in getting more of the stat seeing as the difference between 70% and 90% armor penetration is going to be minimal.

That said, you'll want to read over these two links;
They have more detailed information on how defense and armor penetration work.
#10 Mar 09 2010 at 1:50 AM Rating: Decent
Mozared wrote:
The cap on armor penetration is technically 100%

You're a little behind the curve on this. There is no technical cap anymore, GC made a post a while back (when they changed arp) that even if you go over 100% it will still do something because 100% does not mean the mob has 0 armor, it is kinda like you're taking a percentage of it's armor so you can technically go above 100%. However the only class I've ever seen get anywhere near that has been a druid, DKs should not have to worry about it.
#11 Mar 09 2010 at 8:13 AM Rating: Good
181 posts

*scribbles page after page of notes and curses the need for maintenance*

I started working for the emblems to get my 4/5 piece of the t9 gear last night and have started watching the AH for Str gems. I read up on those two threads and that does clarify some of the questions that I had as far as def cap and things like that. The only question I have left about def cap is that I keep hearing (seeing?) the terms "hard cap" and "soft cap", which is more important? I figure since I have 1/2 tank and 1/2 dps gear I'm 1/2 way towards having two sets, one for dps one for tanking.
#12 Mar 09 2010 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Defense is an "easy" stat. You need 535 Defense skill to be uncrittable in heroics (level 82 boss), and 540 Defense skill to be uncrittable in raids (level 83 boss). I would personally refer to these as Defense floors rather than caps. You have to be above them, or you shouldn't be tanking a heroic / raid.

Defense above 535/540 is useful, as it still provides avoidance and for a DK I think it also continues to improve your IBF. Once you're above the minimum, you shouldn't specifically gem or enchant for Defense at the expense of stamina, armor, or avoidance.
#13 Mar 09 2010 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
To clarify about what tabstopper's saying; the defense 'soft cap' (which, if you want to do it right, should simply be called 'being uncrittable') is at 535 for heroics and 540 for raids. The defense 'hard cap' is the point where stacking additional defense gives you no more benefit AT ALL. I'm not entirely sure where this point is, but I wouldn't worry about it, afaik it's higher than 600 defense skill and never really reached anyway.
#14 Mar 09 2010 at 11:58 AM Rating: Good
181 posts

As a side note, way back in the day when I started playing, it was on a rogue, this was also my first 60,70 (my first DK got 80) so it makes me /facepalm when I see how high my crit is on the DK without doing anything whatsoever to increase it. On the rogue I was hunting and questing and grinding for mats to increase my crit.
#15 Mar 09 2010 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Yeah, but Rogues tend to hit their effective crit cap as it is, so they are more often hunting for hit.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#16 Mar 09 2010 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
181 posts
idiggory wrote:
Yeah, but Rogues tend to hit their effective crit cap as it is, so they are more often hunting for hit.

lol yeah but if we even started talking about how incredibly stupid everything about that rogue was...well it'd either make you laughe til you pee or cringe and gnash your teeth in horror.
#17 Mar 09 2010 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Sounds like the two most likely results from a blind date...
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#18 Mar 09 2010 at 10:31 PM Rating: Excellent
181 posts
I love blind dates! You dont have to worry about dressing up or whether or not you have food in your teeth.

Back on topic:
Well, I finally got my 4/5 piece of T9. While I have yet to kill anything in it, it did pass my first test of whether or not to keep it. I dont know why but anytime I have ever gotten something that I consider a worthy upgrade, one of the first things I do is don the item then logout so I can see it on the login screen. I kinda wish I could turn the 2nd spec into something with DW because I love the swords I have lol.

Edited, Mar 9th 2010 10:35pm by Grigoryrasputin
#19 Mar 14 2010 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I hit 400 hit rating, thinking I only had 20 or so to go for the dual-wield cap, but then I remembered I had Nerves of Cold Steel and only needed 164 hit rating to soft-cap. Smiley: banghead

I'm halfway to the hard-cap, though. Smiley: lol
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#20 Mar 20 2010 at 5:12 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
idiggory wrote:
Yeah, but Rogues tend to hit their effective crit cap as it is, so they are more often hunting for hit.

That is why rogues will go for AP/hit on red when they don't need to as it will help make hit capping not be as bad. BUT that has nothing to do with the OP.

For DK hit and crit capping is not an issue as far as I know. Especially since they don't hunt for the same stats and don't have Agi on gear to help force the issue. Str doesn't add crit.

Even then generally that is rogues pushing BiS 25 hard mode gear and they don't come here for advice.

Don't bust out mechanics that don't apply.

OP, hit is a decent stat, don't try and get more past 8% hit. You will get better results 99% of the time getting other stats. Granted hit isn't wasted up to the spell hit cap but you can do better beyond the special 8% cap.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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